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8 <br /> Community Preservation Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> April 26. 2016 <br /> Habitat for Humani1y of Capp Cod-(3r hard&QuiMuisset Co uni <br /> �y Housing Project- <br /> 40 000: (continued) <br /> At the last funding round,the Community Preservation Committee allocated a total of$70,000 <br /> for the two homes,respectively$35,000 per home. The funding request was$100,000. <br /> Ms. Zola indicated she is before the CPC to request additional funding; $40,000 for construction <br /> work and solar panels. It was explained that an access road is required to be constructed for 132 <br /> Quinaquisset Avenue. The sum of$30,000 is projected to pave approximately 150' to provide <br /> access to this home. The additional monies, $10,000 would allow for solar panels to be installed <br /> at each home. <br /> There was a question with regards to the use of taxpayer funding to pave a private street. The <br /> Director of Public Works indicated that it is not permissible to use taxpayer funds to asphalt a <br /> road. This is only done through the betterment process and it would set a precedent for other <br /> projects. <br /> Mr.Fudala stated that Quinaquisset Road is a paper street and it is a driveway to the house with <br /> the Quinaquisset Avenue address. It is the only location for access. It was noted there was a <br /> previous decision to change the address of the site location from 68 Strawberry Avenue to 132 <br /> Quinaquisset Avenue. The road is currently a dirt road. <br /> CPC member Mary Waygan indicated that accessing the home is an eligible use for affordable <br /> housing subsidy to build infrastructure on private roads. Ms. Waygan also indicated while <br /> Habitat for Humanity was in the 40B process the Planning Board commented on the project and <br /> asked that it should be paved for public safety,plowing and access. <br /> It was also noted the Town gave the property to Habitat for Humanity to create affordable <br /> housing. However,the matter of using taxpayer funding to pave a private road was debated. <br /> Ms.Zola indicated that Habitat for Humanity with these projects has had some higher <br /> infrastructure costs. She asked if she could amend the application to request additional funding <br /> for onsite construction. <br /> The matter of solar and the use to taxpayer funds for this project was also considered. There was <br /> a question if there was extra energy production,would the energy to back to the grid or to the <br /> Town. <br />