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4 <br /> Community Preservation Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> June 28, 2016 <br /> 'Review & Deliberate on CPA Projects Proposed for October 2016 Town Meetings(continued) <br /> Mashpee Historic District Signage Project: (continued) <br /> Mr. Halpern recused himself from voting on this project as one of the signs is intended to be <br /> situated at his business site location. In the absence of a Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Buschenfeldt as <br /> Clerk,presided. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Sherman to approve and recommend to the October 2016 Town <br /> Meeting, the Mashpee Historic District Signage Project in the amount of$57,801. Funding <br /> shall derive from the 10% Historic Purposes Reserve for this project. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Larkin. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 6-0-1. <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Halpern, recused Mrs. Buschenfeldt,yes Mr. Larkin,yes <br /> Mr. Lord,yes Mr. Shaw, yes Ms. Waygan,yes <br /> Mrs. Sherman,yes Opposed, none <br /> Habitat for Humanity._- Orchard & Quinaquisset Community Housing Protect: <br /> In the absence of Leedara Zola Warren Brodie, advisor to Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, <br /> and former Mashpee resident was in attendance to review Habitat's amended application for <br /> additional funding for construction and the installation of solar panels at the Orchard and <br /> Quinaquisset community housing projects. <br /> At the last CPC meeting there was concern with respect to the funding application and request <br /> for an additional $40,000; $30,000 to pave approximately 150' to provide access to the <br /> Quinaquisset Road home and $10,000 to offset costs associated to the installation of solar panels <br /> at each house. <br /> As the matter was debated Ms. Zola offered to amend the application to request additional <br /> funding for onsite construction. In concern,the applicant was requested to submit a revised <br /> application and detailed application justifying the expenditures associated to this project. The <br /> CPC motioned to accept a revised application from Habitat for Humanity for the October <br /> funding round with revised funding request;details and the justification of expenditures. <br /> Mr. Brodie indicated the paving portion of the project was modified to request funding for <br /> construction purposes. <br /> However, the question was again asked by the CPC Chair, should Mashpee taxpayers pay for the <br /> paving of a private road, and would it set precedent? And should Mashpee taxpayers be paying <br /> for solar panels? If the Town was to contribute towards the panels, would the Town receive <br /> some of the excess energy generated by the panels? The questions were left unanswered. <br />