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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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acceptable mitigation plan and 60 days for implementation. The violation notice stipulated that <br /> once the Commission approves the extension of the deck platform, the mitigation had to take <br /> place prior to that extension taking place. <br /> Mr. Appleman said he made a mistake but when he moved in there were a number of trees <br /> that had to come down and they were hitting the house. He did cut down two trees that were <br /> hazardous. In the future he will not do anything without permission. He asked they accept his <br /> apologies for his actions and that it won't happen again. He said he was supposed to plant 90 <br /> shrubs and was hoping to plant 20 to 30 and them have the Agent inspect to see if they are <br /> doing it correctly. It was noted Mr. Appleman needs to have a formal plan. <br /> There was a discussion on how to remedy the situation. It was determined Mr. Appleman get <br /> a professional landscaper to develop a design for the mitigation plan. <br /> Mr. Appleman explained he cut the trees on the bank because one of them was cracking and <br /> the other was leaning and he stated he made a mistake and should have called the Agent. <br /> The Agent stated the reason he is asking for a revocation is due to the history of non- <br /> compliance which needs a formal vote. The Agent noted the office has a long list of <br /> professional landscapers. <br /> No comments from the public <br /> Motion: Mr. Shaw moved to revoke the permit, seconded by Mr. McKay. Vote <br /> unanimous 4-0 <br /> Motion: Mr. Shaw moved to assess the $300 fine, seconded by Mr. Anderson. Vote 2-2 <br /> Mr. Anderson yes, Mr. Shaw, yes, Mr. Sweet, no. Mr. McKay no. Motion does not pass. <br /> Motion: Mr. Shaw moved to require a landscape plan to be submitted within 30 days and <br /> executed within 60 days from the day the Agent issues the enforcement order by a <br /> professional landscaper. Seconded by Mr. McKay vote 4-0 <br /> The Agent said he would draft an Enforcement Order which would have specific.timelines. <br /> Typically, 30 days for submission of plan and 60 days for work to be completed, <br /> The Commissioners agreed that the plantings could be inspected by the Agent in increments. <br /> The Agent summed up to Mr. Appleman. He will be issued an Enforcement Order with strict <br /> timelines as to when he should hire a contractor that is qualified. The Enforcement Order will <br /> also have a timeline on the completion of the project, It is up to Mr. Appleman whether he <br /> wants a contractor to do the planting or if he wants to do it himself. The previous RDA for the <br /> deck extension is revoked and he will not have a deck extension. There will be no fine. <br /> Update: Conservation camera images -- Mashpee Police Department assistance <br /> John's Pond Conservation Area <br /> The Agent sad they captured images on the conservation land. The police did catch the person <br /> moving a boulder and he will be issued a fine for vehicular trespassing on conservation land. <br /> Update Briarwood Association (photos of mitigation work) <br /> The Agent contacted the attorney for Briarwood who contacted the President because the <br /> drainage swales that were created to drain the wetlands have never been addressed. The <br /> President said as part of this project they were waiting for the contractor to regrade the road, <br />
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