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4 <br /> planting on the bank where mitigation will be more beneficial. A narrative will be prepared <br /> for the Commissioners to review: <br /> UPDATE: Eversource easement-runoff issues - Mashpee River <br /> The Agent said he met with Eversource and they have a plan to bring in some fill, loam <br /> and do some planting where the plateau is before it slopes off to the Mashpee River. They <br /> will excavate the soils that have crept down the bank and create a berm along the edge <br /> and put a jersey barrier at the top of the easement to prevent vehicles from going down <br /> there. <br /> Conservation Commission Training Meeting Dates <br /> The Agent said he will be sending out training meeting dates to the Commissioners <br /> next week. - <br /> • ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> (This space is reserved for topics that the Chairman did not reasonably anticipate <br /> would be discussed). <br /> Air Force Civil Engineering Center resentation: Fuel Spill-1/Quashnet groundwater <br /> cleanup operation <br /> The Agent introduced Rose Forbes and Mark Hilyard from the Air Force Civil Engineering <br /> Center who gave the update on the Installation Restoration Program/Fuel Spill- <br /> 1/Quashnet ground water cleanup operation. Rose Forbes distributed copies of the slide <br /> show presentation that she presented. (copy attached) which included background <br /> information, remedial progress, system performance and ecological impact Monitoring <br /> (SPEIM) conclusions/next steps/and emerging contaminants. There were questions and <br /> a discussion on the presentation. <br /> Motion: Mr. Smith moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Anderson. Vote unanimous <br /> 4-0. Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> P <br /> hud 'Daligneault <br /> Recording Secretary <br />