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r <br /> Minutes <br /> Mashpee Cultural Council <br /> Date: June 20,2016 <br /> Present: Barbara Cotton, Bruce Taggart, Madeleine Walsh,John Miller, Dawn Thayer,Sarah Daley <br /> Absent: Lynne Waterman <br /> The meeting was called to order by Ms. Cotton at 9:25 <br /> Minutes: <br /> Sarah Daley made a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting. John Miller seconded the motion and <br /> it was passed unanimously. <br /> Treasurer's Report: <br /> Bruce Taggart reported that 5 checks have been issued for reimbursements totaling$2425. <br /> Cape Cod Children's Museum...............................................Keva Planks($500) <br /> Mashpee Library......................................................................Zentangle ($525) <br /> Mashpee Recreation...............................................................BOKS @ Kids Klub ($500) <br /> KC Coombs School...................................................................Poetry($500) <br /> Mashpee COA..........................................................................Roger Tincknell ($400) <br /> Bruce Taggart and Dawn Thayer will be completing the Fiscal Year Report(June 30, 2015) <br /> Old Business: <br /> New Business: <br /> Resignations: Madeleine Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Susan Clark who can no longer serve on the <br /> committee due to a change in work schedule. The motion was seconded by John Miller and passed unanimously. <br /> John Miller made a motion to accept the resignation of Patty DeBoer who can no longer serve on the <br /> committee due to her appointment as Interim Superintendent of Schools. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> Membership: Patty DeBoer has recommended Mary Kate O'Brien, Principal at the Quashnet School as her replacement <br /> on the Council. Barbara Cotton made a motion to extend an invitation to Mary Kate O'Brien to apply to the Selectmen <br /> for a seat on the Council. John Miller seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. <br /> The Council discussed how we could solicit new members. Use of the town website, the Council Facebook page, and a <br /> press release were all discussed as ways to reach out to the community for new members. John Miller will work on this <br /> outreach. Current members are also encouraged to solicit new members. <br /> Robert Mendes had expressed interest in joining the Council in the past. Sarah Daley made a motion to invite Robert <br /> Mendes to apply to the Selectmen for a seat on the Council. The motion was seconded by Bruce Taggart and passed <br /> unanimously. <br /> It was also noted that Madeleine Walsh will cycle off the Council in July. We thank her for her service. <br /> Barbara Cotton reported that Patty DeBoer has extended an invitation to the Council to attend the August 31, 2016 <br /> Mashpee School Staff Day to discuss the Cultural Council Grant application procedure and to encourage staff to apply for <br /> a grant. <br /> Barbara Cotton shared her experience at the Cape Cod Cultural Council's showcase event. We will need to do a Publicity <br /> event in 2017. A showcase of grant recipient's work is a possible idea for this event. <br /> Leadership Roles: <br /> Bruce Taggart has agreed to continue on as Council Treasurer and Sarah Daley has agreed to stay on as Council <br /> Secretary. Members are asked to seriously consider taking on the role as Council Chair or having Co-Chairs. <br />