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3. Anticipated Role of ERIC—Member Assignment and Goals <br /> Discussion tabled to the next meeting. Denise Dutson agreed to be assigned to serve on <br /> Promotion and Finance. <br /> 4. Scheduling of Meetings <br /> It was agreed to meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30. Next meeting <br /> February 16, at 5:30 <br /> 4. New Business <br /> 1. Treasurer's Report <br /> Mary LeClair reported EDIC has a balance of$384,307.48 of that the members voted to <br /> invest $170,000. Dino, Mary and Carol will give a report after meeting with the <br /> investors. <br /> An insurance bill will be taming in around March 1". Note to put on the agenda Paving <br /> of bills. <br /> 2. Zoning Bylaw Update <br /> The Chair stated Tom Mayo, and she agreed, EDIC should get more involved with the <br /> town planner on the review of the zoning. She noted a potential business was flatly <br /> turned down and it goes against what this committee has been working on. Rodney <br /> Collins, Town Manager, said it is important to look at the historical perspective. Plan <br /> Review was designed to help facilitate the process and it is suppose to be user friendly <br /> and customer'friendly to avoid conflicts that might occur at the Planning Board level. He <br /> said we need to redefine the mission or the objective of what we are trying to facilitate <br /> thru pian design. He felt that a group like EDIC could work with a potential developer <br /> buyer along with the committee so by the time we get to Planning everybody is satisfied. <br /> He expressed the frustration of the business in question that was going to build an <br /> automobile collision center in the industrial park. In the planner's defense he would say <br /> the bylaw is the bylaw. The Town Manager said we need to introduce a bylaw <br /> amendment and he would be willing to sit down with town counsel to get this resolved. <br /> Our rule is to try and prevent this from happening and help businesses thru this process. <br /> Chairman Sherman said she tries to attend the design review meetings. We are trying to <br /> promote good sustainable business. It was noted the Mashpee Guide for Business may <br /> need some updating which could be part of restructuring and promotion Denise Dutson <br /> will work on updating the guide. <br />