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..:............... <br /> MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION <br /> MINUTES OF MEETING HELD <br /> FEBRUARY 16, 2016 <br /> TOWN HALL—ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM <br /> Present: Carol Sherman, Chairman <br /> Terrie Cook <br /> Robyn Simmons <br /> Dino Mitrokostas <br /> Denise Dutson <br /> 1. Carol Sherman, Chairman, opened the meeting at 5:33 p.m. <br /> 2. Approval of Minutes—October 6, 2015 and February 2,2016 <br /> Motion: Terrie Cook moved to approve the February 2, 2016 minutes, <br /> seconded Dino Mitrokostas. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> Motion.: Dino Mitrokostas moved`to approve the October 6,2015 minutes, . <br /> seconded by Robyn Simmons. Vote 4-0-1 with Denise Dutson abstaining. <br /> 4. New Business <br /> 1. Katherine Hildebrandt (Good Clothing Co.)—presentation and <br /> discussion. <br /> The Chairman introduced Katherine Hildebrandt from.Good Clothing Company. <br /> Katherine Hildebrandt described her business, how she started, where they are <br /> going, and how she is expanding at Deer Crossing, Fall River and possibly at <br /> another location in Mashpee_ She said they are working with local companies and <br /> providing services they would not otherwise have. They offer one stop shop from <br /> product development to consultation to a full scale production. She is looking to <br /> double her jobs in 2016. She said her goal is to pay her staff at a minimum of$15 <br /> per hour. Her company is a small scale manufacturing company and now <br /> employs 7 people and she is looking to expand to 12. Katherine explained her <br /> company provides training and skills that will serve people for a lifetime. She y <br /> said they are bringing a lot.of press and attention to Mashpee and is looking to <br /> Mashpee to help them financially, to put the machines in place, grow her staff and <br /> train.them_ She is also working with the Mass Workforce Training Fund. <br /> Katherine said she is looking to opening a separate facility in Mashpee at the <br /> Industrial Park in a building with one floor with a minimum of 10,000 square feet <br /> and will need additional equipment and space to grow. They would need minimal <br /> parking, but would need a loading dock for shipping and deliveries. She would <br /> lease the space and would be the third party. She is looking for a no interest loan <br /> from.EDIC and is hoping to receive a matching grant from EDIC of$25,000. The <br /> equipment needed will cost at a minimum of$150,000. The members generally <br /> E <br />