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Mr. Gottlieb stated we recently contracted with GHD to provide consultant services for <br /> wastewater and will start discussions with Sandwich and Barnstable about the shared watershed <br /> approach permit for Popponesset Bay. We also received a grant from the Cape Cod Commission <br /> along with the money we received from town meeting to support that. <br /> Rick York, Shellfish Constable, gave an update on the shellfish component of the <br /> implementation CWNMP. There will be full implementation over three years subject to funding. <br /> He explained the staffing is himself and the water quality technician and we have advertised for <br /> 5 more waterways assistants. The areas are seeded and closed to shellfishing for up to three <br /> years on a rotating basis. The Board of Selectmen open and close the areas for shellfishing. <br /> Mr. York stated they have set crab traps since August 2015 to control invasive green crabs that <br /> eat shellfish seed and more traps were set in March 2016. <br /> He reviewed the implementation schedule. They have ordered 4,480 bags of oyster seed from <br /> the hatchery in Dennis. Funds from the October 2015 town meeting are being used to purchase <br /> 2,000 bags and funds from Barnstable County Cooperative Extension is funding the 480 bags. <br /> The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is funding 2,000 bags of oyster seed for a new project to create <br /> an acre of restored oyster beds in Shoestring Bay with funds from an EPA Healthy Communities <br /> Grant award to the Tribe's Natural Resource Department. <br /> Mr. York spoke about the Water Quality Monitoring which is ongoing as collaboration with the <br /> Town, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and the University of Massachusetts. Sondes were deployed <br /> and samples are collected monthly year round at these sites for analysis. These sondes were <br /> deployed in Little River, the Mashpee River, Popponesset Bay and a new one at Shoestring Bay. <br /> Mr. York noted more extensive information can be seen on the town's website. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb spoke about the Barnstable County Water Monitoring Program. The County will <br /> fund $250,000 matched by the State. There will be monitoring of central stations and Cape Cod <br /> Bay,Nantucket Sound and Buzzards Bay. There will be a creation of a public database which <br /> will be linked to land use modeling tools. There was a discussion on the budget process going <br /> forward. <br /> DRI Review: IMA's with other towns; connections with private sewers, etc: Update <br /> Fertilizer Bylaw and MDAR State-wide Plant Nutrient Regulations: Violation of Nitrogen <br /> Control Bylaw and Enforcement Issues <br /> The Chair noted there were several landscape companies in violation of the Nitrogen Control <br /> Bylaw and said he personally call there out and Drew McManus, Conservation Agent sent them <br /> violation notices. BJs Lawn Caras doing 16 lawns the day we had heavy rain and Board of <br /> Health was called to see if they could send someone out to fine them. Board of Health said it has <br /> been noted. Mr. Gottlieb requested that Mr. Talbot send him an email stating this. It was noted <br /> the customers are getting ripped off because the fertilizer is washing off. Mr. Talbot said he sent <br /> an email to Board of Health to see how we can help them with enforcement issues and that the <br /> enforcement issues may need to be changed in the bylaw. <br />