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[Agenda topic 3] Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara has received Diane Lang's article on Lowell Holly for the newsletter. An article on <br /> the Koi invasion of John's Pond will be included. Brian suggested repeating Don's article on boating <br /> safety, and Barbara suggested we might remind folks about the fertilizer bylaw ih town. The April 1ST <br /> Enterprise noted that Mashee Enviroittnentat Cohlitlori�antar d to have.the hy1 w eriforcA. We hope td. <br /> have the rlewslettef eorriple A by the crit of MaY go it Witt be ready At town 14 tl before town peoples rt <br /> buying their beach and transfer station.stickers. <br /> Conclusions: The newsletter should be completed by the end of May. <br /> [Agenda topic 4]MWLMC Position Vacancy <br /> Discussion: A vacant position remains on this committee. Rich Baxter had indicated he planned to attend <br /> this meeting. Alycia Markowski also indicated interest in the committee, but is unable to meet on <br /> Thursday. The three members attending would be willing to change the meeting to Tuesday. <br /> Conclusions: The committee has a vacant position. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Koi Invade John's Pond <br /> Discussion: The April 22nd edition of the Mashpee Enterprise reported that Koi, a relative of goldfish have <br /> been reported in John's Pond. Kai are members of the carp family and have voracious appetites. They can <br /> grow to 3 feet long and not only can wipe out native aquatic vegetation but cause significant siltation. <br /> Drew McManus in Consczvation has been made aware of the situation, and feels they should be removed. <br /> He in turn notified Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Shooting them with a bow is one possibility. <br /> They are bottom, feeders and difficult to catch. The public needs to be educated about the issue.Never <br /> release any non- native fish into local ponds from any goldfish pond on aquarium. Barbara will write an <br /> article for the spring newsletter about the Koi in Johns Pond. <br /> Conclusion: Koi have invaded John's Pond and will be difficult to eradicate. We aced to educate people <br /> around the lake so that no non-native fish are released into Mashpee Wakeby Lake. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B.Nichols <br />