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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> August 25,2016 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mash ee Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the July 28, 2016 meeting were accepted with one minor correction after a motion by <br /> Don MacDonald and second by Brian Mauro. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow:. <br /> Discussion: Barbara Nichols checked the lake levels on August 1s. and 15th. They were 55.1 and 55.0 ft. <br /> above sea level with 9 and 8 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake. There were 7 and <br /> 5.5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. Algae was noted in the slow moving water. Levels were <br /> sent to Drew MacManus in Conservation, and he was notified of the algae. Barbara cleaned off both <br /> gauges with a brush making them easier to read. <br /> Conclusions: With the continued drought, the lake level continues to drop. <br /> [Agenda topic 21 Harbormaster news <br /> Discussion: Barbara emailed Al Turner, Harbormaster thanking him for attending our last meeting and <br /> asking for a brief report on how the first 2 weeks on the job went. He reported finding the lake busiest on <br /> Sunday afternoon with Saturday a close second. He aimed to patrol until at least 7 PM on both days. He <br /> reported doing safety inspections and sending boats off the lake until they were in compliance. He said <br /> three citations had been written for failing to have the proper personal flotation devices on board. <br /> Conclusions: Al Turner,the new harbormaster has been on the job for 2 weeks. <br />