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33 —Planning Department----Expense (held by Chris Avis) <br /> DPW—Total (held by Chris Avis) <br /> 50 Street Lighting----Expense (held by Oskar Klenert) <br /> Health—Total (held by Chris Avis) <br /> Library—Total (held by Chris Avis) <br /> It was noted under item 35, Town Hall Expense, in the column headed Town Manager <br /> Recommendation that the $274.00 was not listed. <br /> There was a discussion on the held line items. <br /> DPW - Rod Collins, Town Manager, stated he spoke to the Library Director and one of <br /> the trustees regarding their new position and reached a compromise to the funding of the <br /> position. The compromise was $24,657. He said he offset it in DPW which explains <br /> why the numbers are a little different. The bottom line for the entire budget didn't <br /> change. The DPW position was reduced by $25,657. <br /> Line 2—Selectmen Salaries <br /> Mr. Collins stated he proposed the raise for the Selectmen's salaries. The Selectmen <br /> didn't propose it. He said he didn't think it was prudent to wait for the Selectmen to <br /> request a pay raise for themselves. He noted Mashpee is at rock bottom with the <br /> exception of Brewster. The proposal brings the pay from $2,000 to $3,000 for each <br /> Selectman and the Chair is going to make $3,500. These ladies and gentlemen are truly <br /> volunteers and are dedicated. They attend functions and go to events and take money out <br /> of their own pockets. This has not been adjusted in probably over 20 to 25 years. He <br /> pointed out with the exception of one selectman who is grandfathered,the Selectmen <br /> don't get insurance. Mr. Collins pointed out that the Selectmen were not aware of this. <br /> (Mr. Avis removed the hold) <br /> Line 1.1 —Assessors —Salary[Wages <br /> Mr. Collins stated in the Assessing Department the department request did include an <br /> additional full time position but under his recommendation it is not there. He noted the <br /> increases are contractual driven and the numbers have been looked and verified by the <br /> accounting department and human resources. (Mr. Avis removed the hold) <br /> Line 17—Human Services —Salary/Wage <br /> (Oskar Klenert removed the hold) <br /> Line 34 —Planning - Expense <br /> Mr. Collins stated this is professional development and now it is for two individuals, not <br /> just one. Mr. Collins said the increase in the Planning Department wages was due to the <br /> hiring of an Assistant Town Planner. (Mr. Avis removed the hold) <br />