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Mashpee Commons. He distributed a copy of the real estate, architecture and construction overview <br /> called Woodsprings Suites. Mr. Collins stated he would encourage the site in the industrial park. <br /> There was a discussion on the type of hotel. The hotel will be run as a stay and target people who <br /> need a residence for a short period of time. Mr. Collins stated the Town Planner is open to a zoning <br /> change regarding the height restriction. There is an article in the town meeting warrant and if the <br /> zoning changes he would like to welcome this opportunity to push forward. It was agreed if everything <br /> passes at town meeting, FDIC will invite Mr. Tricca to one of their meetings. The Committee reviewed <br /> the packet of information. All agreed they would like to see something like this to come to town. It <br /> was noted the land in the industrial park is town land and it would be sold. The sale would be a <br /> bidding process. <br /> 2. Goals and Objectives <br /> There was a discussion on EDIC funding. The Chair stated originally our goal was to hire someone but <br /> at this time we don't have all kinds of things in the works to pay someone. The Chair stated their <br /> purpose is to help new businesses who come into town. She noted businesses go to the Design Review <br /> Board in town who takes them thru all of the hurdles. Wayne Taylor noted it is a process and every <br /> department sits on the Design Review Board, <br /> S. Mashpee Guide for Business <br /> The Chair stated EDIC had a donor give us some money which was matched thru the Chamber so we <br /> could make up a book "Mashpee Guide for Business". She distributed the book to the members. <br /> The guide will be available to businesses in several areas: i.e. town clerk, building, chamber, banks, <br /> real estate offices, and libraries. <br /> 4. Review of Bank Statements <br /> The Chair reviewed.the bank statements: <br /> Checking as of August: $351,840.38 <br /> Money Market: $31,882,48 <br /> The Chair noted the bank requires two signees. <br /> 6. Recruitment of EDIC Board members. <br /> Wayne Taylor noted he will be contacting Wayne Duchemin to see if he is interested in becoming a <br /> member of EDIC who was the one who got the legislation thru the state to establish this committee. <br /> The members agreed they will actively recruit new members. <br />