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Board of Managers <br />Upper Cape Regional Transfer Station <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION -APPROVED <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 26, 2016 at 1:08 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Mashpee: <br />Catherine Laurent, Chairman <br />Falmouth: <br />Ray Jack <br />Sandwich: <br />Paul Tilton <br />Bourne: <br />Dan Barrett, Phil Goddard (alt.) <br />Otis: <br />Chris Segura <br />Present: Chairman Catherine Laurent, Paul Tilton, Ray Jack, Dan Barrett, Phil Goddard, Chris <br />Segura <br />Also Present: Mike Scipione & Mike Richard—Weston & Sampson; Carter Hunt— <br />MassDevelopment; Sharon Rooney—Cape Cod Commission; Colonel Christopher Faux -102"d <br />Vice Wing Commander <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION <br />Executive Session commenced at 1:08 p.m. to review and rank proposals for each of the <br />responders. Mr. Jack disclosed that Falmouth had a contract with Cavossa Disposal Corporation <br />but Board Members were in agreement that there was no need for recusal. Mr, Barrett added that <br />Bourne worked with both Cavossa and Recycling Solutions. <br />Discussion and Ranking of Proposals <br />Saltine Warrior -Board and Review Committee members shared their rankings for Saltine <br />Warrior. Mr. Barrett inquired about Saltine Warrior serving as a subcontractor, partnering with <br />another proposer to share the site. The Chair responded that the other candidates' proposals <br />suggested they would work with subcontractors, but not under their umbrella. There was <br />discussion regarding the benefits of having salt available locally. It was noted that rail use would <br />be critical. There was agreement that joint use of the site by Saltine Warrior would be best if <br />serving as a subcontractor under another proposer. Mr. Scipione suggested to first rank the other <br />proposers because if Saltine Warriors offered a high value to the community, it may be possible <br />to develop a process and consider separate agreements if there was an unwillingness to work as a <br />subcontractor. Mr. Tilton stated his preference that one agreement be in place. <br />Recycling Solutions, LLC -Board and Review Committee members shared their rankings and <br />agreed that there was limited clarity regarding Recycling Solutions' proposal. All were in <br />agreement that the company had a lot of experience. It seemed that Recycling Solutions was <br />offering a much larger operation, with increased truck traffic. Concern was expressed regarding <br />possible propane storage and distribution. It was felt that the proposal reflected a reliance on <br />residuals. There was discussion regarding the need for permit changes and the process of doing <br />so. <br />