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Community Preservation Committee -Chairman Waygan reported that the Committee had <br />met on December 8. Conservation Agent Drew McManus, Mr. Fudala, Mr. Balzarini and Mr. <br />Cummings were in attendance at the meeting regarding the joint application for the Greenways <br />Footbridge Project. The Committee voted to support the request for funds. A condition had been <br />added that the trail portion on Mashpee Commons land have Town's liability insurance. Mr. Fudala <br />has since convinced the Town's insurance agent that the Mashpee Commons' land be placed on the <br />Town's insurance policy. Mr. Fudala stated that a license would be acquired from Mashpee Commons <br />to be added. A portion of the trail remains open to Whitings Rd. so further information was needed <br />regarding the closing of the road, until that section of the development was built. The Chair <br />emphasized that something in writing was needed and Mr. Fudala stated that it would be the insurance <br />policy. The Chair noted that funding for a disc golf course had also been recommended. The Chair <br />stated that she had the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Trails Program that <br />she would draft with input from Mr. Fudala and Mr. McManus. The application deadline is February <br />1. The Chair indicated that she would be meeting with the County Resource Office to identify <br />additional grant opportunities for the project. Mr. Fudala suggested that the Article be written in such <br />a way that authorizes the Selectmen to apply for additional grants. It was also noted that the Planning <br />Board's Annual Report was also due and the Chair confirmed that she would be drafting that report. <br />Environmental Oversight Committee -Mr. Cummings indicated that there was a busy meeting <br />discussing a number of topics to include the Truro ban of plastic bags which Mr. Gottlieb will <br />investigate to draft a similar bylaw for Mashpee, Mashpee Environmental Coalition regulation of <br />pesticides, status of Mashpee ponds now in good shape, Mashpee River's highest nitrogen level ever, <br />the hiring of a new Assistant Conservation Agent, Quashnet/Moonakis River approved funding in the <br />amount of $42,000 along with an IMA between Barnstable and Falmouth to pursue a study and MOU <br />with Falmouth, National Wildlife Refuge and nine other parties to care for conservation lands. <br />Historic District Commission -Mr. Fudala indicated that a working group had been formed to <br />develop signage for historic sites and planned to request funds from the CPC during their next round of <br />funding. <br />MMR Military Civilian Community Council -Update of MMR Joint Land Use <br />Study -No meeting <br />Report on Status of Greenway Project -As discussed with the CPC update. The Chair stated <br />that Carol Sherman had anticipated that the Planning Board would return to the Board of Selectmen <br />regarding the trail. The Chair recommended that the Planning Board attend the BOS meeting when the <br />CPA Articles are considered and be prepared to address any questions or comments. <br />Status of parking facilities at 168 Industrial Drive -The gravel has not been removed and <br />edging has not yet been installed. It was suggested that the facility may be waiting until spring to <br />complete the work. <br />New Business <br />C. Rowley December Billings -Bills were received in the amount of $385 for December <br />regular services and $95 for Southport. <br />MOTION: Mr. Kooharian made a motion to approve payment of $385 to Mr. Rowley for <br />expenses for the month of December. Mr. Balzarini seconded the motion. All voted <br />unanimously. <br />MOTION: Mr. Kooharian made a motion to pay Mr. Rowley for services at Southport. Mr. <br />Balzarini seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />CORRESPONDENCE <br />2 <br />