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Mashpec Planning Board <br />Minutes of Meeting . <br />April 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. <br />Waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br />Approved 4120/16 <br />Planning Board Members Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, Joe <br />Cummings, David Kooharian, Robert (Rob) Hansen <br />Also Present: Tom Fudala-Town Planner <br />Absent: George Petersen <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit <br />Meeting Room at Mashpee Town Hall by Vice Chairman Kooharian, at 7:06 p.m. on <br />Wednesday, April S, 2016. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES—March 2, 2016 <br />MOTION: Mr. BaIzarini made a motion to accept the minutes from. March 2"d as written. <br />Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ENERGY ELEMENT SENIOR PROJECT <br />BY SONJA FUDALA <br />Ms. Fudala attended the meeting to share with Board members her research regarding the saving <br />of energy in Mashpee schools and homes. Ms. Fudala shared her PowerPoint presentation and <br />discussed the benefits of energy savings related to the financial and environmental benefits, as <br />well as the enhancement of quality of life. Non-renewable energy isnot sustainable and is <br />responsible for the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide and other gases, resulting in the <br />continued climate crisis. It also damages the habitat and environment. <br />In an effort to improve energy efficiency in Mashpee, Ms. Fudala announced that Mashpee <br />schools would receive a grant to replace lightbulbs with LEDS in the high school over the next <br />few years. Ms. Fudala has consulted with Cape Light Compact regarding other ways to save <br />electricity such as the use of efficient windows and insulation, as well as turning off the lights <br />when leaving the room. Ms. Fudala has worked on developing tools as a reminder for students <br />to turn off the lights such as stickers. Additionally, Ms. Fudala has worked on ways to improve <br />recycling at the school, including the development of a PSA and the addition of composting over <br />the next few years at all of the schools. <br />There are many benefits to using clean energy. Renewable energy will not ruin out, such as using <br />solar panels on school buildings. Job creation, more reliable energy source and stable energy <br />prices are other benefits to utilizing clean energy. Solar energy is the most renewable, cleanest <br />and abundant green energy. Thermal technology is being utilized on a small scale in homes and <br />schools. <br />