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9/7/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
9/7/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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stated that although the legal name of the road was Fell's Circle, the Post Office uses the name <br />Fell's Pond Circle. Assessors and maps currently utilize the legal name. The Planning Board <br />can legally change the name and all maps would be updated. Residents will be notified by Town <br />Clerk about the name change. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to close the public hearing for the street naming. <br />Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to change the road name from Fell's Circle to <br />Fell's Pond Circle. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN <br />Status of construction schedule for BCDM / Ockway Highlands road work <br />Matthew Haney was present to provide an update regarding the schedule and reported that their <br />work continued to be held up by Verizon. Mr. Haney stated that he had been advised that <br />Verizon would be unable to remove their equipment before winter, adding that it had been <br />originally placed at the location in June. In order for Mr. Haney to initiate their work in <br />November, Verizon would need to remove their equipment at the end of October. Mr. Haney <br />explained that there was an active line in the roadway. Mr. Haney stated that the shallow line <br />was surrounded by stumps. Mr. Fudala stated that the Board required that no stumps be <br />removed, for erosion control, until the road was ready to be built, adding that the water service <br />lines to the lots also could not be installed without removing stumps. Mr. Rowley will schedule <br />an inspection with the project proponent to view the areas of concern and identify whether an <br />installation would be possible and/or utilize other means to contain the area to allow work to be <br />initiated. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to authorize our engineer to visit the site to meet <br />with the project proponent to devise a plan for overwintering the site. Mr. Cummings <br />seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />Mr. Virgilio, resident of Blue Castle, expressed concern regarding the Board's decision to allow <br />the road to be partially constructed. Mr. Virgilio stated that the utilities would not be able to <br />place their utilities properly because an incomplete road system was being constructed. Mr. <br />Virgilio added that a coordinated effort was needed with professional workers to complete the <br />project and expressed concern that the project will be delayed through the spring. Mr. Rowley <br />recommended that Mr. Haney contact the utility companies to also meet with them at the site. <br />Mr. Haney indicated that the Water District was all set but that Verizon was an issue. Mr. <br />Haney confirmed that the site was marked and stated that Connie Green was the engineer from <br />Verizon. The issue will be added to the next agenda. <br />SPECIAL PERMITS <br />Status of parking facilities at 168 Industrial Drive <br />Mary Puzio from the Keller Company was present to update the Board on their progress with the <br />parking situation among neighbors. Ms. Puzio announced that a lease was renegotiated that <br />allowed the release of 6 parking spaces in the back parking area. Ms. Puzio also read for the <br />record an email received from CrossFit indicating that there had been no recent parking issues <br />14 <br />
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