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send a letter of interest by tomorrow's deadline (Wednesday, November 7, 200 1) to Mashpee Affordable <br />Housing Trust, c/o Mashpee Housing Authority, 7 Job's Fishing Road, Mashpee, MA 02649; OR send a <br />fax to attention of Leila Botsford at 508-477-423 1. <br />Paul Glynn (Attorney) addressed the Committee. He said before he leaves the meeting he wanted to <br />introduce himself and said he works with the developer who is supposed to attend this Committee's, <br />meeting next month to address the developer's proposed 40B project, Paul Glynn then exited the <br />meeting, <br />Zella Elizenberry informed the Committee that the subcommittee met and she distributed to the group <br />some of the key points they came up with as proposed presentations to the corrununity to inform them <br />what Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee is all about. <br />LaVerne Williams stated the subcommittee also put together a proposed budget to cover expenses of the <br />outreach program. LaVerne will type up the proposed budget and present it at next meeting (December <br />4). <br />Formal Form for budget is to be submitted to Joyce Mason, Acting Town Administrator. <br />A!"" N I 0 JIM <br />All Committee members are to review "key points" distributed by the subcommittee and come up with <br />information they would like to add. <br />Jamie Regan provided routine real estate sales report to Leila Botsford, <br />Jamie Regan distributed information that R. Terry provided regarding 40B housing statistics. <br />NEXT MEETING <br />Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 7:15 p.m. in Town Hall Meeting Room 1. <br />For the next meeting, Leila Botsford will bring information on affordable housing income levels that she <br />got at a conference she just attended. <br />Arthur Weinstein motioned the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m.; this was seconded by Louise Patrick; <br />and unanimously approved. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />iJ <br />n Giliberti <br />f.cretary <br />