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Budget to Actual Report: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br />accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. Mrs. Botsford pointed out that the <br />figures in the report are based on 2014 budget numbers, since DHCD has not yet approved our Fiscal <br />Year 2015 budget. <br />Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br />tonight are for the month of February 2015 and total as follows: $32,321.54 for 4001, $4,352.00 for <br />Section 8, $31,578.00 for MRVP, $40,654.01 for Asher's Path Apartments, $2,862.54 for the Housing <br />Assistance Program and $9,431.35 for Great Cove Community. <br />Mrs. Botsford reported we have all residents paid in full at all developments with the exception of one at <br />Great Cove. We are 100% occupied at all properties. A motion was made by Mr. Shackett and <br />seconded by Ms. Allen to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion was <br />adopted. <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br />Mrs. Botsford stated she had mailed her report for February and added the following: <br />• Staff annual evaluations are due by the end of March. Since large salary increases were given <br />during the past year, and budget spending needs to be maintained as is, Mrs. Botsford stated <br />that she doesn't feel that staff bonuses can be given. The board agreed. <br />• There is the annual MassHousing site visit scheduled for March 30. <br />• Mrs. Botsford requested permission from DHCD for the opening and closing of the MRVP mobile <br />list (copy of letters provided). The request was approved so advertising has been done. <br />• Labor and Workforce have issued the minimum Base rates for April 1 and they have been <br />implemented. <br />• HUD has issued its annual income limits, which are directly related to the rents charged at Asher's <br />Path. Mrs. Botsford reported that rents have not been increased since 2012, despite increases in <br />utilities, maintenance, and other operating costs. She has been in contact with MassHousing and <br />they have approved implementing a rent change for those paying $740.00 to increase to $750.00 <br />on June 1, 2015. A motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to <br />approve the increase in rent, as approved by MassHousing, effective June 1, 2015. <br />Mrs. Botsford will notify residents by the end of March. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />a. Mashpee Senior Housing LLC Monitoring Agreement: Mrs. Botsford stated that she had relayed <br />the MHA's questions and concerns to Beth Anderson (Epoch) and they had a conversation about <br />unit turn -over. Based on the history of these types of developments, Ms. Anderson said that the <br />average unit turn -over time is about two and a half years, so there should not be multiple turn- <br />overs in one year's time. They agreed to allow for a 3% annual increase in the monitoring fee. <br />Based on this, Mrs. Botsford recommends approval of the monitoring agreement. A motion was <br />made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Shackett to approve the execution of the <br />Monitoring Services Agreement with Mashpee Senior Housing LLC. Mrs. Botsford will <br />execute the agreement and get it to Ms. Anderson. <br />NEW BUSINESS: none <br />OTHER BUSINESS: none <br />COMMUNICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE: none that hasn't already been mentioned. <br />NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM unless changed <br />beforehand. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />