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6/11/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
6/11/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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Minutes for the regular meeting held on May 14, 2015 were mailed to members before the meeting. A <br />motion was made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Mr. Laporte to accept the minutes as <br />presented. Ms. Phillips abstained. The motion was adopted. <br />TREASURER'S REPORT: <br />Budget to Actual Report: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br />accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. Mrs. Botsford pointed out that the <br />fee accountant will need to make some journal entries for some of the expenses payable by other <br />programs (such as Great Cove and Asher's Path) and they will be done before the year-end report is <br />completed. <br />Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br />tonight are for the month of May 2015 and total as follows: $78,259.27 for 4001, $4,101.00 for Section 8, <br />$36,199.00 for MRVP, $112,227.52 for Asher's Path Apartments, $2,059.72 for the Housing Assistance <br />Program and $24,826.02 for Great Cove Community. <br />Mrs. Botsford reported that we have all residents paid in full at Asher's Path, Breezy Acres and Homeyer <br />Village. We have one resident at the Great Cove development that has not paid their rent, and notice has <br />been served but we are trying to work out an agreement. We are 100% occupied at all developments. A <br />motion was made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Mr. Laporte to accept the Treasurer's <br />Report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br />Mrs. Botsford stated she had mailed her reports for May and added the following: <br />• A lot of Capital Improvement jobs are going on both here and in Brewster, as the Fiscal Year for <br />Capital ends June 30. Things are going very well in Brewster. In addition to Capital jobs, I am <br />updating policies and their Management Plan, which will be ongoing for a while. <br />• Recertifications at GCC are almost done <br />• The Water Conservation job is completed. All residents at both Homeyer Village and Breezy <br />Acres now have new low -flow toilets and new showerheads with handheld attachment. The only <br />thing left is the paperwork to close out the job, which Mrs. Botsford should be able to get done <br />by June 30. <br />• The six shed doors at Breezy Acres have all been replaced so that Capital Improvement job is <br />done. <br />• The three storage unit doors at Homeyer Village have all been replaced so that Capital <br />Improvement job is done. <br />• MassNAHRO Housing Committee met with DHCD recently and many things were discussed which <br />Mrs. Botsford briefed the board on including: <br />New Executive Director salary schedule — The ED salary schedule has not been updated <br />for 8 years. A subcommittee for MassNAHRO, which Mrs. Botsford sat on, worked with a <br />consultant to update it. The results were presented to DHCD and they seemed happy <br />that we took on this task, DHCD has stated that a Public Housing memo should be going <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />
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