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Attorney Kevin Kirrane remarked that the homeowner was recently made aware of the situation, and Ms. <br />Parsons hired Mr. DeBarros to pump the system. Because this is a zoning violation and an illegal use, the <br />garage apartment cannot be occupied. Therefore, a Notice to Quit was issued to the tenant, Amy Harris. <br />Lucy Burton commented that she is not comfortable with allowing 45 days for installation of the septic system. <br />Glen Harrington offered to design the septic plan on an emergency basis, therefore shortening the time frame <br />to 30 days. The Board agreed that the system be designed and installed by February 10, 2015. <br />Kalliope Egloff made a motion that the Board of Health modify the previous motion for 140 Noisy Hole Road to <br />have the septic system pumped by January 16, 2015, with notification to the Board of Health. If the system is <br />not pumped by this date, then a fine of $300.00 per day will commence on January 17, 2015. Installation of the <br />septic system must be completed with a Certificate of Compliance issued by February 10, 2015. If the <br />installation is not completed and the Certificate of Compliance issued by February 10, 2015, then a fine of <br />$300.00 per day will accrue beginning February 11, 2015. Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion <br />was unanimously approved. <br />Lucy Burton made a motion that the Board of Health require the property located at 140 Noisy Hale Road be <br />connected to town water, allowing the existing well for irrigation purposes only, by the February 10, 2015, <br />deadline. Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />Lucy Burton remarked that the other issue is the existing fines. In Ms. Burton's opinion, she would like to <br />continue discussion of the accrued fines, the inspection items noted above, and the Health Agent's inspection <br />of the bedrooms and smoke detectors to the first meeting after the February 10, 2015, deadline so that the <br />issue can be revisited if and when everything has been addressed. <br />Lucy Burton made a motion that the Board of Health revisit the smoke detector, the weather stripping, and <br />other repair items after the Health Agent has had the opportunity to verify the number of bedrooms in the main <br />house and confirm or deny that the smoke detectors are hard -wired in both dwelling units at the first meeting <br />following the deadline of February 10, 2015. Kalliope Egloff seconded the motion. The motion was <br />unanimously approved. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />1. Sign Expense Warrants. The Board members signed the expense warrants. <br />2. Review/Approve BOH Public Session Minutes: December 4, 2014. <br />Kalliope Egloff made a motion that the Board of Health approve the Public Session minutes of December 4, <br />2014. Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />3. Revision of Bare -Hand Contact Regulation: Part 1V Section 4.00. <br />Glen Harrington commented that this is a language change of the Bare -Hand Contact Regulation. The wording <br />"Town Clerk" should read "Board of Health". The Town Clerk collected fines because a citation, according to <br />the non -criminal disposition ticket, is paid to the Town Clerk. <br />Burton Kaplan made a motion that the Board of Health approve the revision of the Bare -Hand Contact <br />Regulation. Kalliope Egloff seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />4. 2014 Town Report. <br />Lucy Burton and the Board of Health commended Glen Harrington on a job well done for preparing and <br />presenting the 2014 Mashpee Town Report. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />1. Follow -Up Calendar: <br />4 <br />