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20 <br />Town of Mashpee_ <br />iLL Com" <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02549 <br />BOARD OF HEALTH - EXECUTIVE SESSION <br />Mashpee Town Hall -- WAQUOIT CONFERENCE ROOM <br />Board Members Present: <br />Burton Kaplan, Chair <br />Kalliope Egloff, Co -Chair <br />Lucy Burton, Clerk <br />Minutes of the Meeting of Thursday, July 16, 2015 <br />Also Present: <br />Glen Harrington, Health Agent <br />Chair Burton Kaplan called the Executive Session Meeting to order at 8:08 PM. <br />1. Housing Condemnation/Hearing: 394 Cotuit Road. <br />Glen Harrington stated that Erika Woods sent an email to him concerning her meeting with Vickie McFarland - <br />Richter of 394 Cotuit Road. Permission to share information with the Board of Health was signed by Ms. <br />McFarland -Richter, and the Collaborative Agreement was also drawn, approved, and signed by Ms. <br />McFarland -Richter. This meeting had been continued from the May 21, 2015, Board of Health meeting where <br />the owner had requested for a 30 -day extension. <br />Burton Kaplan commented that certain items had to be addressed in the Collaborative Agreement: <br />1. A clear path to access the rear bedroom. Ms. McFarland -Richter answered in the affirmative. <br />2. The request for documentation of item removal. Photographs were taken of items in bins and given <br />to Ms. Woods. Ms. McFarland -Richter had a certain goal to achieve each week. A yard sale was held, and the <br />items were either sold or given away. A "Christmas in July", a second yard sale, is planned. <br />3. Reduce clutter in the kitchen area to have access to the kitchen table. This was accomplished. <br />4. Reduce counter -top clutter in the kitchen in order to be able to cook. This also was completed. <br />Vickie McFarland -Richter of 394 Cotuit Road, and Dr. Susan Murati from the Cape Cod Hoarding Task Force <br />introduced themselves to the Board. <br />Glen Harrington commented that Ms. McFarland -Richter needs a transfer station sticker. Instead of paying for <br />a daily sticker to go to the transfer station every few weeks, Mr. Harrington suggested that Ms. McFarland - <br />Richter meet with Deb Dami, Mashpee Town Clerk. Ms. Dami will allow Ms. McFarland -Richter to pay for.a <br />transfer station sticker in increments throughout the course of the year. This will give Ms. McFarland -Richter a <br />yearly pass. Mr. Harrington would like Veronica Warden to perform a progress inspection of the property <br />located at 394 Cotuit Road. <br />