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Mashpee Cultural Council Minutes <br />Meeting Date: September 28, 2015 <br />Meeting Called to Order at: 9:15 <br />Those in Attendance: Barbara Cotton, Bruce Taggart, Lynne Waterman, Madeleine Walsh, <br />Patty DeBoer, Dawn Thayer, Susan Clark, John Miller and Sarah Daley <br />Introductions and Welcome to newest member Sue Clark, <br />A motion was made by John Miller to approve the June 1, 2015 Minutes. Second by Lynne <br />Waterman. Motion passed. <br />A motion was made by John Miller to approve the July 13, 2015 Minutes. Second by Bruce <br />Taggart, After some discussion and clarification, the motion was passed. <br />Treasurer's Report: <br />o Since the Misula Theater program did not take place, that $500.00 can be added to our FY 16 grant. <br />o FY 15 Reinbursments still outstanding are as follows <br />Mashpee Parks and Recreation.............................................$350.00 <br />Cape Cod Children's Museum ..................................................$450.00 <br />Quashnet School.........................................................................$300.00 <br />MashpeeTY..... ........................... i ........................................ ........ $500.00 <br />Total-- ........................ ................................................ ....$1600.00 <br />o There was further discussion about the $90.00 given to the Council by the tonin and how to use it as well as <br />discussion about holding back $200.00 for a Community Event. Decisior. Was'made to continue discussion <br />once we know our total funding for FY'16. <br />There was a discussion about Council Roles as several members will by cycling off in the next <br />18-24 months. Barbara cycles off in September 2016 and Bruce in March 2017. Barbara <br />suggested people interested in taking on the role of Chairman and Treasurer should work with <br />her and Bruce this year so that there is a smooth transition next year. <br />Sarah Daley will take on the position of Recording Secretary and John Miller will be responsible <br />for Publicity (press releases, Facebook page and website). Dawn Thayer will help John with <br />updating our website with a link to the Massachusetts Cultural Council website for more details <br />about the grant application procedure. <br />FY'16 Grant details: <br />o Barbara will continue to field inquiries through her museum email and phone contact <br />o Dawn will put all grant application information on a spreadsheet for ease during grant application <br />discussions <br />o Grant packets will be ready for pick up on October 19th at the Senior Center. Council members should read <br />through and make initial notes on each grant request <br />o Council will meet on October 26th and November 2"d to review applications and make award decisions. <br />Meetings will be at the Senior Center and will begin at 9:15 <br />o Denial letters will go out by November 5, 2015 and those denied will have until November 20, 2015 to give <br />notice of appeal. <br />o Letters of Approval will go out by December 1, 2015 <br />Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 <br />Submitted by: Sarah Daley, Recording Secretary <br />