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11/2/2015 CULTURAL COUNCIL Minutes
11/2/2015 CULTURAL COUNCIL Minutes
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Minutes <br />Mashpee Cultural Council <br />Date: November 2, 2015 <br />Present: Barbara Cotton, Bruce Taggart, Madeleine Walsh, John Miller, Patty DeBoer, Susan Clark, Dawn Thayer, <br />Sarah Daley <br />Absent: Lynne Waterman <br />The meeting was called to order by Barbara at 9:15 <br />Minutes: <br />A motion was made by Susan to approve the September 28, 2015 Minutes. Patty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />A motion was made by Madeleine to approve the October 26, 2015 Minutes. John seconded the motion. Motion <br />passed. <br />Treasurer's Report: <br />Old Business: <br />Madeleine made a motion that we not take our 5% allocation for administrative expenses, but rather add that amount <br />to our funding amount. This makes our total grant allocation $5091. Second by Patty. Motion passed. <br />The council voted on the FY'16 grant requests. <br />The Council received 24 applications representing total requests of $12,354. Thirteen applications with <br />requests totaling $7,315 were declined. Nine applications with requests totaling $5,039 were approved. <br />Average approved grant value: $560.00 approx <br />Attachment 1 (Declined FY'16 Grant Requests) is a record of the grants that were declined for funding for FY 16. A <br />motion was made by Patty to decline funding for the grants listed on Attachment 1 as a whole. Second by Sarah. <br />Motion passed. <br />Attachment 2 (Funded FY'16 Grant Requests) is a record of the grants that were approved for funding for FY'16. Each <br />application was voted on individually. <br />Letters of Decline will go out November 9, 2015. Applicants have 15* days to appeal (November 24, 2015) <br />Letters of Acceptance will go no earlier than December 7, 2015 <br />If there are any appeals made of rejections, the council will meet on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015 to discuss the <br />appeals and make any necessary adjustments to award amounts. <br />Barbara is going to get clarification from the town as to residency requirements for council members as well as find out <br />about ex -officio status. <br />New Business: <br />It has come to Barbara's attention that the Selectmen are voting tonight to appoint Rodney Collins to the Cultural <br />Council. This is problematic since another town resident's application was declined because we were not seeking new <br />members at this time. After discussion, it was agreed that Barbara would ask Rodney to delay his appointment until <br />January, when this grant cycle is completed. Barbara is also going to consult with the Selectmen about how our council <br />works, how we are governed and request to be included in the selection process when new members are being <br />recruited for appointment to the council. <br />Meeting adjourned at 11.:25 <br />Respectfully Submitted by: Sar h Daley <br />77V .! <br />*While preparing the letters of decline it was discovered that applicants have 15 days to appeal. During our <br />discussion at the meeting it was mistakenly recorded that applicants had 9 days to appeal. <br />
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