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Mashpee Environmental Oversight Committee <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />August 18, 2015 at 6:31 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Present: Chairman Mike Talbot, Rick York, Drew McManus, Dale McKay, Selectman Andrew <br />Gottlieb, Joe Cummings <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The meeting was called to order by Mr. Talbot at 6:39 p.m. with a quorum. <br />APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES April 21, 2015 <br />Mr. York was needed to have sufficient attending members present to approve the April 21 minutes. <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />Santuit Pond <br />Mr. McManus reported that Alan Waxman had been meeting with the Conservation Commission <br />regarding nuisance aquatic regrowth at Santuit Pond, Mr. McManus reported that the aquatic growth <br />was so aggressive that it had clogged up a Solar Bee and has interfered with aquatic recreation. Mr. <br />Waxman and volunteers have been testing to determine the cause of the growth. The Cape Cod <br />Cooperative is offering a grant, which Mr. McManus is pursuing in order to assist with the costs and <br />volunteer work to test Santuit Pond. An application requesting $3,600 has been submitted. The source <br />of the regrowth is unknown but the north side of the pond is suspected. Raking may be used to address <br />the issue. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />South Cape Beach: Status of Accessible Beach Access by the New Constructed Dune and Wills <br />Work Road Improvements <br />Mr. McManus indicated that the mats seemed to be working very well, allowing handicap access to the <br />beach. Dune construction has been holding up well. Complaints have been received regarding <br />blockage of the view. <br />New MDAR State -Wide Plant Nutrient Regulations: Implications for Mashpee Nitrogen Control <br />Bylaw and Mashpee CWMP <br />Chairman Talbot confirmed that the MDAR had finalized their plant nutrient regulations, dealing with <br />agricultural nutrients and the application of phosphorous on lawns. The Chair pointed out that <br />Mashpee's nitrogen regulations indicated that they would follow the State's phosphorus regulations, <br />but it was unclear whether Mashpee would need to defer to the State and the MDAR. The Chair <br />suggested making those regulations also enforceable by Mashpee, but would need to follow up with <br />Town Counsel, The Chair will forward regulations to the Committee. There was discussion regarding <br />expanding the scope of Mashpee's bylaw to include phosphorus but Selectman Gottlieb felt that it was <br />not an option. Selectman Gottlieb recommended identifying a means of enforcement. Mr. York <br />inquired whether Mashpee could enforce the State's regulation but it was unclear whether or not that <br />was possible. Selectman Gottlieb recommended following up with Town Counsel for clarification. <br />208 Cape -Wide Water Quality Management Plan: Implications for Mashpee CWMP <br />Chairman Talbot reported that the 208 Cape -Wide Water Quality Management Plan had been <br />approved. Selectman Gottlieb added that the EPA was now reviewing the plan. Regarding Mashpee's <br />