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r. <br /> ownlistorical Commission <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, M-A 02649 <br /> �ID)ILUXE - Telephone - (508) 539-1438 <br /> MA HPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting December 19, 2011 <br /> i <br /> The Town of Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order at the <br /> Archives Building at 4:00PM on Monday, December 19, 2011 by Nancy Soderberg, <br /> Chairperson. <br /> Commissioner Present: Rosemary Burns (Loge), Frank Lord, Nancy Soderberg, and <br /> Brian Hyde. Also attending was Catherine Laurent from the Mashpee DPW. <br /> Rosemary made a motion, and it was seconded, that we accept the Minutes of the <br /> September 15, 2011, meeting as amended: The date for the BLIP engineering plans on <br /> the building renovations are to be submitted by ( larch 1 r 2012. <br /> Reports: <br /> Seth Irwin, a Paper- onservator, has submitted an estimate of $2,000 to fix the 1858 <br /> Walling map which we have that is badly damaged. This will take some time to restorer <br /> and we hope to'be able to get this project going while our building is under renovations <br /> during the winter and spring of 2012. Nancy will be checking with the Peabody Essex <br /> Museum, where Mr. Irwin is presently working, to check on his references. <br /> Ann checked with Holly Herbste r about the PAL final report. According to Holly, the <br /> report is at the printers, 'after they have included a I I the changes requested by the MHC <br /> and Town Planner, Tem Fudala. Several others have had an input, and we want to <br /> check all edits and additions before vire sign off on the final payment of$5,000, <br /> sometime- in January 2012. <br /> Frank Lord, Joan Tavares-want, and Nand Soderberg recently visited Judy Ferrarer at <br /> the archives at U Klass, Dartmouth. They were able to see some display and working <br /> areas that might also work for our new archives building, after the renovation has been <br /> completed. For instance, we would like to have a table which is electrically-wired to be <br /> set up for Commissioners and visitors to be able to use their personal computers while <br /> doing research at the Archives building, similar to ghat is available at the neva Mashpee <br /> Public Library. <br />