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To w�n of 1 � Ia,s l p ee <br />r <br />IE L� �_ <br />_4L <br />1 'iaslapce, 119cr,5sac{ttr5ctts 0,2649 <br />Oskar Klenert made a motion that Christopher Avis be appointed to serve as the Finance <br />Committee representative on the Town Manager Screening Committee. Charles Gasior <br />seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Oskar Klenert, yes; Charles Gasior, yes; Theresa <br />Cook, yes; Tom Murphy, yes; David DelPonte, yes, Christopher Avis, abstained. The motion <br />was approved by a vote of 5-0-1, (Chris Avis abstained; George Schmidt absent.) <br />• Request to Authorize Deficit Spending -Snow & Ice Account <br />Joyce Mason explained the need for authorization for deficit spending for the Snow & Ice <br />account due to the excessive and severe snow storms this winter, and the anticipated need for <br />additional funds for snowplowing, ice and sand for use by the DPW. Joyce Mason added that <br />it is impossible to anticipate the amount of the deficit spending that would be required. <br />Charles Gasior made a motion that the Finance Committee approve the authorization of deficit <br />spending from the Ice & Snow account. Tom Murphy seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: <br />David DelPonte, yes; Tom Murphy, yes; Charles Gasior, yes; Theresa Cook, yes; Chris Avis, <br />yes. The motion was unanimously approved by a vote of (6-0), George Schmidt absent. <br />• Finance Committee Membership <br />Theresa Cook reported that both she George Schmidt have terms on the Finance Committee <br />that expire in May 2015 and will be up for reappointment to the Finance Committee this June. <br />Ms. Cook stated that she will ask to be reappointed but does not know what George Schmidt <br />plans to do. Charles Gasior stated that his term is not up until May of 2016, but he would like <br />to plan on resigning after the October 2015 Town Meeting. <br />• Finance Committee Report — May 2015 <br />Regarding the Finance Committee Report, Theresa Cook suggested that this year, all <br />committee members be responsible for certain sections of the report, thus making it a joint <br />effort. Joyce Mason offered a suggestion for a new report format that would include a section <br />for each warrant article with an explanation, and include a Finance Committee cover letter. <br />This would combine the report with the warrant articles that are normally printed on separate <br />pages. Ms. Cook requested that the committee members think about the above suggestions <br />for change and come to the Feb. 26th meeting prepared to discuss plans for the report going <br />forward. <br />• CIP — FY 2016 <br />Theresa Cook reported that there would be a meeting on 2124115 to have final votes. Joyce <br />Mason has identified $650,000 to spend on capital issues and the committee was in <br />agreement on DPW capital equipment and continuing the police leasing program, continuing <br />the $50,000 Planning and Construction, IT and School needed $60,000. Final numbers will <br />be available on Feb. 26, 2015. <br />• Reserve Fund Transfers — None. <br />• Status of Reserve Fund — Theresa Cook reported $95,008. <br />• Liaison Reports <br />Human Services Committee — David DelPonte <br />David DelPonte reported on his attendance at the Human Services Committee meeting held <br />on January 15, 2015. Mr. DelPonte reported on a theme he suggested to the committee that <br />was to look at the trajectory of the demographic shift on a 5 -year time horizon, and compare <br />that to the trajectory of the future planning of programs and expenditures out to five years, to <br />see how expenditures of those two time periods align. To the extent that there is any gap <br />16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee, MA • 02649 <br />phone: 508.539.1400 • fax: 508.539.0954 • email: <br />m:ImydocumentslTerrie frncom2-12-15.doc <br />