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(Old Business, cont'd) <br />E. Resident Services <br />• Health Department: $234,523. Gasior moved, Murphy seconded approval of $234,523 <br />budget. Roll Call Vote: DelPonte, yes; Murphy, yes; Gasior, yes; Cook, yes; Klenert, yes; <br />Avis,yes. Motion approved by (6-0). <br />• Council on Aging: $251,849. Gasior moved, Klenert seconded approval of $251,849 budget. <br />Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. <br />Motion was approved by (6-0). <br />• Human Services: $112,973. Klenert moved, Gasior seconded approval of $112,973 budget. <br />Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, no. <br />Motion approved by a vote of (5-1) <br />• Recreation Dept: $266,348. Murphy moved, Gasior seconded approval of $266,348 budget. <br />Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. <br />Motion approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />• Veterans Services: $130,700. Gasior moved, Avis seconded approval of $130,700 budget. <br />Roll Call Vote: DelPonte, yes; Murphy, yes; Gasior, yes; Cook, yes; Klenert, yes; Avis, yes. <br />Motion approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />F. Other Departmental Appropriations <br />• School Department: $20,467,076. Vote placed on HOLD. <br />• Library: $555,816. Vote placed on HOLD. <br />• Historical Society: $6,000. Gasior moved, Avis seconded approval of $6000 budget. Roll Call <br />Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. Motion <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />• Cultural Council: $90.00. Gasior moved, Murphy seconded approval of $90.00 budget. Roll <br />Calf Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes, Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. <br />Motion approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />• Sewer Commission: $139. Klenert moved, Gasior seconded approval of $139.00 budget. Roll <br />Call Vote: Avis, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. Motion <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />The remaining budget line items to be approved by the Finance Committee will be reviewed at the <br />Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2015. <br />• CIP-FY 2016 - *Vote Required <br />Theresa Cook reported that the final meeting was held on Tuesday, Feb. 24,2015, with the following <br />recommendations: funds available from free cash, $667,000; $60,069 from the MCAT fund; recreation <br />10141 is going to be coming out of their enterprise funds, with a total of $738,014. The CIP Committee <br />voted unanimously to recommend, with Town Manager approving the recommendation. Chris Avis <br />requested that he borrow the CIP book in order to review all of the explanations. <br />• Finance Committee Report— May 2015. <br />Discussion followed regarding the possible options for preparation of the May 2015 Finance <br />Committee Report. One idea suggested was to divide the warrant articles evenly among the Finance <br />Committee members for preparation of the report. A second suggestion was to have the Finance <br />Committee members be responsible for their liaison -assigned departmental reports. The individual <br />reports would be fine-tuned for the final Finance Committee report. Mr. Gasior offered his assistance <br />to the Finance Committee members in the preparation of their reports. The Committee decided that <br />the liaison representatives will be responsible for reporting on their assigned departments. Their <br />reports will appear at the end of each warrant article, thus keeping the Town Meeting Booklet into one <br />document. <br />