- Note of Interest : Tax Rate is projected by the Finance Committee to stay the same with this
<br />budget recommendation. The projected municipal tax rate for 2016: $9.111$1000.
<br />Theresa Cook asked the members if they had any further questions for Dawn Thayer or Joyce Mason
<br />with respect to the FY 2016 Budget.
<br />Mrs. Cook then asked if anyone in the audience had any questions or comments on the FY 2015
<br />Budget. There was no comment from audience members during the Public Hearing.
<br />George Schmidt made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion.
<br />Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes, Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte,
<br />yes. The motion was approved by a vote of (7-0).
<br />• May 4, 2015 Town Meeting Warrant—* Vote Required
<br />Special Town Meeting Warrant Article 2: Avis made a motion to recommend approval of Article 2,
<br />seconded by Gasior. Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes;
<br />Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was approved by a vote of (7-0).
<br />Special Town Meeting Warrant Article 7: Klenert made a motion to postpone a vote by the Finance
<br />Committee on recommendation of Article 7 until the May 4, 2015 Town Meeting. Avis seconded the
<br />motion. Discussion followed. Klenert and Avis rescinded their motion.
<br />Gasior made a motion to recommend approval of Article 7. DelPonte seconded the motion.
<br />Discussion followed, Joyce Mason stated that the Board of Selectmen may decide at their meeting on
<br />Monday, March 23, 2015 to pull the article from the Special Town Meeting from the Warrant.
<br />Roll Call Vote: DelPonte, no; Murphy, no; Gasior, no. Cook, no; Klenert, no; Schmidt, no; Avis, no.
<br />The motion was denied by a vote of (7-0).
<br />George Schmidt made a motion that the Finance Committee NOT RECOMMEND approval of Article 7,
<br />seconded by Oskar Klenert. Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes; Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior,
<br />yes; Murphy, yes DelPonte, yes. The motion was approved by a vote of (7-0).
<br />• Finance Committee Report— May 15, 2015 *Vote Required
<br />Suggested changes were made to the draft Finance Committee Report cover letter. A note of
<br />explanation to be added to the Special Town Meeting Article 7 expressing the reason for the Finance
<br />Committee vote to NOT RECOMMEND Article 7 was discussed. The wording of the reason agreed
<br />upon is as follows:
<br />"Although this program benefits worthy residents, the decision of the Mashpee Housing
<br />Authority to NOT ALLOW an independent audit of the program causes concern of the Finance
<br />Committee about the integrity of the operation of the Housing Assistance program."
<br />George Schmidt made a motion to approve the above wording of the explanation of the Finance
<br />Committee vote on Article 7. David DelPonte seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Avis, yes;
<br />Schmidt, yes; Klenert, abstained; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion
<br />was approved by a vote of (6-0-1).
<br />George Schmidt made a motion that the Finance Committee recommend approval of the entire May
<br />15, 2015 Finance Committee Report. Christopher Avis seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Avis,
<br />yes; Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was
<br />approved by a vote of (7-0).
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