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6/18/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
6/18/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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b) Request for transfer of $30,000 from the Reserve Fund to DPW Buildings & Grounds, to cover <br />shortfall in line item #01422103-5240 for unexpected replacement of the chiller at Town Hail. <br />Christopher Avis made a motion to approve the transfer of $30,000 from the Reserve Fund to DPW <br />Buildings & Grounds, to cover shortfall in line items #01422103-5240 for unexpected replacement of <br />the chiller at Town Hall. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. Rall Call Vote: Klenert, yes; Gasior, <br />yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes; Avis, yes; Cook, yes. The motion was unanimously approved by a <br />vote of (6-0). <br />(c) Request for transfer of $4,800 from the Town Medical Insurance Expense (#01914101-5170) to <br />the Fire Retroactive Pay Expense (#01220103-5113 & 5130). <br />David DelPonte made a motion to approve the transfer of $4,800 from the Town Medical Insurance <br />Expense.(#01914.1101-51.70) to the Fire Retroactive Pay Expense (#01220103-5113 & 5130). Roll <br />Call Vote: Klenert, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; Avis, yes; DelPonte, yes; Cook, yes. The motion <br />was unanimously approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />(d) Request for transfer of $5,139 from the Town Medical Insurance Expense (#01914101-5170) to <br />the Fire Retroactive Pay Expense (#01220103-5113 & 5130). <br />David DelPonte made a motion to approve the transfer of $5,139 from the Town Medical Insurance <br />Expense (#01914101-5170) to the Fire Retroactive Pay Expense (#01220103-5113 & 5130). Charles <br />Gasior seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Klenert, yes; Gasior,yes; Murphy yes; Avis, yes; <br />DelPonte, yes; Cook, yes. The motion was unanimously approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />(e) Request for transfer of $500 from the Town Medical Insurance Expense (#01914101-5170) to the <br />t-IUNA Retirement Expense (#01914101-5172). <br />Oskar Klenert made a motion to approve the transfer of $500 from the Town Medical Insurance <br />Expense (#01914101-5170) to the LIUNA Retirement Expense (#01914101-5172). Tam Murphy <br />seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote; Klenert, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; Avis, yes; DelPonte, <br />yes; Cook, yes. The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of (6-0). <br />(f) Request for transfer of $5000 from the Reserve Fund to the Veterans' Benefits Expense <br />(#01543101-5380) to cover unforeseen expenses due to economic conditions and the high cost of <br />medical expenses. <br />Charles Gasior made a motion to approve the transfer of $5000 from the Reserve Fund to the <br />Veterans' Benefits Expense (#01543101-5380) to cover unforeseen expenses due to economic <br />conditions and the high cost of medical expenses. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. Roll Call <br />Vote: Klenert, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; Avis, yes; DelPonte, yes; Cook, yes. The motion was <br />unanimously approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />• Liaison Assignments for 2015-2016. <br />Chairman Theresa Cook recommended that the Committee members think about their preferences for <br />liaison assignments for the coming year and bring their requests to the next Finance Committee <br />meeting for finalization. <br />Liaison Reports <br />(a) Human Services — David DelPonte. Mr. DelPonte reported on his attendance at the last two <br />Human Services Committee meetings. At their April meeting, he explained to the committee his <br />reason for voting no on the Human Services budget, stating that he felt the budget should be much <br />2 <br />
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