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Food Drive at Town Meeting on October 19, 2015 <br />The Director stated a notice will be in the newspaper and posted on the town's website <br />regarding the food drive at town meeting. Veronica will be doing pickup and Gail and <br />Lynn will be at town meeting <br />Review of Budget FY 2017 <br />The Director distributed the proposed budget for FY 2017 and reviewed the numbers <br />with the committee members. She said she added a 10% increase on all contracts. She <br />noted overall the budget has been decreased because she no longer has utility bills. <br />During the discussion, it was decided to remove the mileage reimbursement line item <br />since this is done thru the Selectmen's Office, add a new line item for professional <br />development and to be specific and list each seminar separately. <br />Motion: Lynne Waterman moved to accept the 2017 budget as revised, seconded by <br />Mary Bradbury. Vote unanimous 4-0 <br />Coordinator's Report <br />Gail Wilson, Director, distributed and reviewed her Activity report for the month of <br />September. She highlighted the Holiday Giving Tree Task Force. She noted there is <br />no Toys for Tots for Mashpee children and plans to have two trees at town hall and the <br />library for gift donations. She has approval from the Town Manager. The Director will <br />be collecting names and putting them on the trees in a confidential way. It was <br />mentioned that others groups have these trees such as the school and St. Vincent dePaul <br />but the Director noted some families may need different resources. The Director stated <br />she has a task force and they met on September 25 and discussed details and timelines. <br />The Director noted Lights After Dark will be held on October 22 and she was asked to <br />have a table there. She will be there with brochures. <br />The Director noted that South Bay Mental Health has a new director who wants to <br />become involved. She distributed their new brochure. <br />The Director distributed the new brochure for the Human Services Committee but noted <br />since her move to town hall some of the information needed updating. The telephone <br />number, fax number, and location needed to be changed. Veronica would contact the <br />printer to see if he could make the changes and print out the new brochures for the Lights <br />After Dark event. <br />NEXT MEETING SCHEDULE -- Thursday, November 19 at 2:00 p.m. <br />Motion: Lynne Waterman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Veronica <br />Warden. Vote unanimous 4-0 Meeting adjourned 3:05 p.m. <br />