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Reports (continued) <br />Staff/Goals/Strateizic Plan <br />Kathy explained the Library needs to re -visit the Management Study and move forward with a plan for <br />additional full-time staff and potentially fewer part-time staff in order to provide more consistency, stability, and <br />we need people with required skills and an investment in the position. Part-time staff do not stay long-term for <br />many reasons... other job or educational opportunities, or family obligations. They do not earn enough money <br />or benefits to make the job worthwhile for them to stay when other options arise. <br />Kathy said she also plans to look at Library hours of operation—for instance she would like the Library to open <br />Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m., rather than noon. Kate Milde commented that Library is the only Town <br />building open 6 days per week. Jack Kowalski said we have tons of data that shows we have to have a major <br />plan and it's time for us and Town to act. <br />Policy Updates <br />Kathy provided a proposed Nintendo 3DS Circulation Policy that included a provision to enable patrons to <br />borrow Nintendo 3DS game systems unit for home use. Kathy explained that right now they can check out the <br />games, but not the unit. Those that don't have the unit cannot play the games at home. This would afford all the <br />opportunity to use the games at home. <br />Motion: Kate Milde motioned to accept the proposed Nintendo 3DS Circulation Policy. <br />Joan Lyons seconded the nomination. <br />VOTE: Yes -5. <br />Roll Call Vote: Mark Wright, yes Allen Waters, yes <br />John Kowalski, yes Joan Lyons, yes <br />Kate Milde, yes <br />Next Meetin! ...4 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 in Library Conference Room. <br />Adiournment <br />John Kowalski motioned the meeting be adjourned; Joan Lyons seconded the motion; and it was unanimously <br />passed. The meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />J an Giliberti <br />Recording Secretary <br />