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BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES MEETING <br />TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 201.5 <br />MASHPEE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM <br />Present: Carlo D'Este, Mark Wright, Kate Milde, John Kowalski, Allen Waters (arrived 4:20 p.m.), and Joan <br />Lyons (arrived 4:40 p.m.). <br />Absent: Mary LeClair. <br />Also Present: Kathy Mahoney – Library Director <br />Audience: Sam Houghton – Mashpee Enterprise <br />Carlo D'Este, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. <br />Approval of Minutes <br />John Kowalski motioned to accept the Regular Meeting minutes of September S, 2015 as written. <br />Motion was seconded by Mark Wright. <br />VOTE: Yes -5. <br />Roll Call Vote: Kate Milde, yes John Kowalski, yes <br />Allen Waters, yes Mark Wright, yes <br />Carlo D'Este, yes <br />Friends of the Mashpee Public Libra <br />Kathy Mahoney attended the Friends meeting and reported: <br />• Ceil Sneider announced her retirement. At the November 5" Annual Meeting of the Friends they will <br />have a surprise celebration honoring Ceil and her service to the Friends. <br />Mark Wright asked whether any routine meeting between Friends and Trustees ever held. The Trustees <br />suggested that perhaps after Friends' new slate of officers gets elected then the Trustees should invite the <br />President of the Friends to attend a Trustee meeting. <br />Reports <br />Kathy Mahoney's report for the month of September was discussed. Some highlights included the following: <br />The Trustees were impressed with the tremendous increase in enrollment in the summer reading <br />program due to the efforts of Janet Burke, which brought the program to such a level this year. The <br />'trustees asked the Library Director to extend their compliments to Janet for collaborating with the <br />schools and achieving tremendous success with the program. <br />Kathy talked with the IT Director regarding computer replacements at the Library and budgeting for <br />such replacements. David DelVecchio suggested doing replacements incrementally—perhaps, 12 <br />computers at a time—and they will be under IT budget, not Library budget. However, he asked that the <br />Library budget include a narrative explaining the need for the replacement computers in support of what <br />is submitted in the 1T budget. <br />Mark Wright asked when budget decision would be issued. Kathy explained it is submitted in <br />December; then reviewed for approval by Town Manager, Finance Committee, and Board of Selectmen; <br />and then goes to May Town Meeting for fmal approval. Approved budget starts July I". <br />