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7 <br />Environmental Oversight Committee <br />Minutes <br />October 14, 2015 <br />CORRESPONDENCE <br />uashnet River/Moonakis River: <br />As water quality continues to diminish in the Quashnet River/Moonakis River a shared <br />watershed with the Town of Falmouth, there is an indication the Town of Falmouth is not willing <br />to contribute funding for a UMass Dartmouth study. There is indication that funding 1/2 or <br />$20,000 could be secured with the condition the Towns of Mashpee and Falmouth each <br />contributes '/4 or $10,000 by June 1, 2016. <br />This matter was taken under advisement to re -visit with the Town of Falmouth, and review <br />potential funding scenarios, and outside contributions. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Town -Wide Stormwater Management Plan: Update: <br />No report. <br />Land Steward Program. Update - <br />It <br />date: <br />It was noted the Mashpee Environmental Coalition culminated the season by conducting their <br />final walk through the Santuit Pond Preserve. <br />A new Assistant Conservation Agent, Katelyn Cadoret, has been hired from a strong pool of <br />applicants. One of her principal roles is to assist with management of conservation lands and the <br />Land Stewards Program. <br />Oyster Reef Proposal: <br />Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Natural Resources Officer Chuck Green received a $200,000 grant <br />to grow oysters in collaboration with the Town of Mashpee. The target for the oyster reef is <br />Simmons Narrows/Shoestring Bay, the most optimum site to grow shellfish. Funding if <br />approved by the October Town Meeting will support the shellfish propagation project. <br />The oyster reef project is proposed to remain closed for a period of three years with no <br />haivesting to facilitate seeding, and growth for increased shellfish production. Further details on <br />the implementation of reefs are being reviewed for optimum results, and to achieve nitrogen <br />reduction. <br />7 <br />