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i n `': �� ,a <br />:r-1-74 ,.a%:d ?i <br />OCT 2 3 2015 Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br />F CE IVIED 3Y Committee <br />September 24, 2015 <br />7:30 PM <br />Mashp ee Town. Ha11 <br />Meeting Called by: Debi McManus <br />Type of meeting: Monthly <br />Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br />Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols <br />Guests: <br />The minutes of the August 27, 2015 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro <br />and second by Don Mac Donald. <br />Agenda topics <br />[Agenda topic 11 Lake level/ River outflow <br />Discussion: Brian obtained the lake measurements on September 3rd and Barbara took the ones on <br />September 15tt'. Both levels were at 55.1 Ft. above sea level. There were 4 and 8 % inches of water <br />flowing over the board closest to the lake and 6.5 and 5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. <br />Measurements were emailed to Drew McManus in Conservation. Barbara also let Drew know that the <br />path to the river outflow was getting overgrown with poison ivy and brush. Drew emailed back on <br />the 18 th, that he had gone out on the 16t" and pruned and mowed the trail. Drew also mentioned that DPW <br />would be going out in the early spring to remove sand froze between the jetties and downstream from the <br />cage. <br />Conclusions: The lake remains a 55.1 ft. above sea level. <br />[Agenda topic 2] 2015 Fall Newsletter <br />Discussion: Discussion was held about newsletter topics. Barbara had written articles about Beach water <br />quality testing, the MWLMC vacancy, and Harbormaster personnel changes. She will write one on the <br />multiflora Rose. Debi will write one on winter safety around the lake, and Don ones on damage caused by <br />power loading and the new Natural Resource committee. Members will send articles to Barbara, and she <br />will assemble the newsletter. <br />Conclusions: Plans for the Fall Newsletter are progressing. <br />