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Rick Elrick cauitioned that we should not expect immediate participation from the public to adopt <br />the food waste program, their lack of motivation being the key issue. Hopefully, we will see a <br />reduction in the solid waste tonnage by the end of the first year. Education is again going to be <br />a very important key to the success of the food waste program. <br /> <br />Sign at the Entrance to the Transfer Station. Wayne BevAcqua commented on the sign at <br />the entrance to the Transfer Station which states that a State regulation prohibits the disposal of <br />the following list of materials: brick or concrete, asphalt paving, and other items which have <br />never been accepted by the Transfer Station. The list of items on the other half of the sign <br />include items that we now do accept. Mr. BevAcqua has been receiving complaints about the <br />sign, saying that it is very misleading to the public. Catherine Laurent stated that she is required <br />by DEP as part of our permit to operate to use the language on the sign and to place the sign at <br />the entrance to the Transfer Station. <br /> <br />Textiles. Discussion followed regarding the use of handouts promoting the recycling of textile <br />materials. Catherine Laurent stated that the Transfer Station offers the recycling of textile <br />materials including not only clothing but sheets, pillows, linens, towels. Bins are provided by <br />Goodwill, Salvation Army and Red Cross for donations. Suggested locations for handout <br />materials promoting textile recycling included the following: at the entrance to the Transfer <br />Station; Town Clerk’s office where Transfer Station stickers are purchased, schools; Town <br />Meeting; advertisements on Mashpee TV. Glenn Santos stated that relocation of the textile bins <br />closer to the same vicinity as the existing recycling bins would make it easier and would be an <br />incentive for people to begin recycling their used textiles. <br /> <br />Review of Proposed Recycling Opportunities at Mashpee Transfer Station. <br /> <br />Catherine Laurent stated that she had talked to Jeff Cabral from Winchester who had planned to <br />attend tonight’s meeting but was unable to attend due to a conflict. Winchester currently is <br />using a Pilot dual Pay-as-You-Throw (PAYT) program along with a separate trash disposal <br />program. This approach has been proven by other Cape towns to save the town money. Joyce <br />Mason stated that this approach could be very costly to the Town. <br /> <br />Glenn Santos spoke about his experience as Supervisor of the Barnstable Transfer Station for a <br />number of years, during which time he ran a pilot program in Barnstable for PAYT for two years. <br />There are a lot of factors that need to be taken into considerations before adopting a PAYT <br />program, among them the financials. There will be administration costs, recycling costs, <br />disposal costs, and the up-front costs of enforcement of the rules and regulations of a PAYT <br />program. Glenn Santos summarized his remarks by saying that he is not against a PAYT <br />program, but he stressed the importance of recognizing the upfront costs involved as well as the <br />potential enforcement issues that accompany a PAYT arrangement. <br /> <br />Rick Elrick recommended that the Committee invite Paul Tilton to talk about the working PAYT <br />program in the town of Sandwich that has been running successfully for two years. Catherine <br />Laurent will contact Paul Tilton and invite him to attend the April 27, 2015 meeting of the Waste <br />Management Committee. <br /> <br />Johnathan Furbush suggested that the Town adopt a dual system whereby stickers for PAYT as <br />well as stickers for the existing transfer station program are offered. Tom Murphy offered the <br />following observation for consideration by the Committee: present to the Town three possible <br />options: the current Transfer Station system; a PAYT system; or a dual system with the option <br />to use either the present system or PAYT. All associated costs would be clearly defined for <br /> 2 <br /> <br />