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that trash truck and listed the percent of the waste stream and then what the components of that <br /> part of the waste stream was just to show that in reality at the Mashpee Transfer Station there is <br /> an opportunity to recycle every single one of those items. There were two ways we were <br /> looking to roll out probably in the next week or so. So it really is something that will be a part of <br /> our educational program to show that trash is made up of these components and all of them <br /> could be recycled at the transfer station. <br /> Mike: Can I ask a question? On the composting, are we starting a composting program at the <br /> transfer station? <br /> Catherine: So we already have the yard waste that we collect: the leaves and grass, and <br /> Christmas trees, and we are starting a food waste or food scraps. <br /> John Cahalane: So how is that going to work as far as collection goes? <br /> Catherine: what do you mean, John? <br /> John: Well I'm thinking, I'm at home, I separate my food waste into a separate container. <br /> Catherine: yes, there will be a separate container in the recycling area that you would empty <br /> your food waste into a larger container; and we are working with a farm in Falmouth that will <br /> compost it. So we were at the transfer station with Sam this afternoon looking to make a formal <br /> announcement. We tried for Thursday, but starting with the users at the transfer station, the <br /> residents and visitors to Mashpee, and food waste if you look at the handout that was included <br /> with this packet some rules and regulations with all of the food. So unlike your home <br /> composting where you list your food and vegetable scraps, because the farm that we are <br /> working with works with restaurants, she will take everything, bones, fish, dairy products, grain, <br /> pasta, all of that can go into this container to be separated from the waste stream. <br /> Tom O'Hara: do you remember what the percentage of the solid waste was? <br /> Catherine: it was organics which included leaves and grass clippings, it was 20.6 percent. That <br /> was what DEP projected, based on their experience. Some folks think that's low but it actually <br /> in reality is higher than that. <br /> Tom O'Hara: this could be the answer you may have solved the problem. <br /> Catherine Laurent: I think everything is getting people to use it. <br /> Mike: Cost-wise, transportation wise, the farm is picking it up? <br /> Catherine: She is picking it up; obviously it will have to change as the participation ends up too <br /> much. Right now, it is small cost; she will place the containers there and replace them once or <br /> twice a week depending on how quickly they fill up. <br /> Tom O'Hara: We pay to get rid of it? <br /> Catherine: We pay a very small monthly fee of$150. <br /> Tom Regardless of tonnage? <br /> Catherine: Yes. Hopefully it will be successful and we will have some significant tonnage and <br /> can look at expanding it. <br /> Tom O'Hara: I assume other towns are doing this? <br /> Catherine: Actually, not a lot. Chatham has a small ... <br /> Tom O'Hara: How does the average person in Chatham transport the stuff to ... <br /> Speaker? They will have either a small one to five gallon small container that they use and <br /> actually they are using a grant available to purchase... <br /> Catherine: we applied and received a grant giving away the first 250 buckets for free and after <br /> that you can buy a 50 gallon bucket for$5.00 that you can put on the counter or under the sink <br /> and then bring it to the transfer station to dump the contents and then bring it back and put it <br /> through the dishwasher. <br /> John Cahalane: Myself, I live alone and I throw away two gallons of food waste easily. <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North • Mashpee,MA • 02649 2 <br /> phone:508.539.1400 • fax:508.539.0954 • <br /> m:lmy documentslWaste Mgmt Verbatim.doc <br />
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