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TOWN MANAGER SCREENING COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> MONDAY,MARCH 9,2015 <br /> OCKWAY MEETING ROOM <br /> Present: Andrew Gottlieb,Kathleen Moore, and Carol Sherman. <br /> Present via conference call: Chris Avis(plus did arrive 6:03 p,m.), and Jerry Carter. <br /> Audience: Sam Houghton—Mashpee Enterprise <br /> Chairman Andrew Gottlieb called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and stated it was necessary to <br /> meet today at this time so as to be able to present a search firm recommendation to the Board of <br /> Selectmen meeting tonight since the Selectmen must approve the firm to be contracted. Andrew <br /> said the Committee cannot wait 2 more weeks for the next Selectmen meeting. <br /> Andrew pointed out that Town Counsel advised if the Screening Committee does not meet the <br /> 90-day timeframe imposed by the Charter,then whoever is hired would have to go to Town <br /> Meeting to be ratified. All agreed that was not a good approach. <br /> Approval of Minutes <br /> Carol Sherman motioned to accept the minutes of the March 3,2015 Meeting;Kathleen Moore <br /> seconded the motion. <br /> VOTE: Yes-5 Unanimous. <br /> Executive Search Firms <br /> The Committee discussed at length the Collins and MRI search firms and voiced their respective <br /> viewpoints. <br /> + Andrew said both he and Kathleen Moore spoke with Collins and stressed Committee's <br /> concerns on timing. As a result,they will be ready to start upon execution of the <br /> contract. Andrew said it was his understanding from the March 3 Committee meeting <br /> that if Collins could meet our timeframe,they were the preferred choice. <br /> + Collins did modify their proposal and will meet the timeframe; proposal from MRI is <br /> essentially unchanged from what was proposed last time. <br /> + Chris Avis and Jerry Carter both stated they would prefer both search firms come and <br /> give a proposal with pricing for the steps and breaking points priced out. <br /> + Andrew Gottlieb and Carol Sherman said they would like to hire a firm to do the whole <br /> process; Chris Avis and Jerry Carter think perhaps Police/HR could do some portion, <br /> which would probably save some cost. <br /> + Chris and Jerry voiced concern that no ads will be public until beginning of April. <br /> Andrew said he spoke with Collins about that and their methodology is to prepare the <br /> profile and run the ad from the profile. <br /> + Andrew said he and Kathleen looked at the calendar and if the Committee makes <br /> themselves available(maybe even on Friday or Saturday)to look at candidates,then <br /> timetable can be met. <br />