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The combined efforts of Ira, Catherine Laurent and Brad Tripp have resulted in a most welcome <br /> decision to include handicapped accessible doors at the main entrances of Quashnet and K.C. <br /> Coombs schools as part of the FY 2008 Capital Improvement Program(CIP). The CIP budget <br /> was approved by Town Meeting,May 7, 2007. Ira also stated the handicapped parking signs at <br /> the schools will be upgraded as the current signs are replaced. Charlie noted a new van accessible <br /> space has been designated at Quashnet School. <br /> Handicapped parking at large summer events continues to be a major concern. The Summer 2007 <br /> Mashpee Night at the Pops is scheduled to be held across from the library and there will be no <br /> areas of Mashpee Commons closed off for the concert parking. Therefore,close-in handicapped <br /> parking is going to be problematic. In 2008,the Pops concert is planned for Mashpee High <br /> School. Again,handicapped parking is a concern. It likewise is a concern for the July 4 <br /> Community Picnic also planned for the high school. The school has a maximum of 300 spaces of <br /> which approximately 8 are designated for handicapped. The committee concluded that sending a <br /> letter to the Concert Committee outlining our concerns and inviting members of the Concert <br /> Committee to attend our June meeting to discuss the issues further may help to reach acceptable <br /> solutions. <br /> Bob noted,thanks to Kathleen Moore,the arrangements for Town Meeting were outstanding. <br /> The parking for disabled and seniors was readily available,large-print warrants were available <br /> (and used)and the necessary arrangements for the CART provider were in place. Stefanie <br /> Farrell,the CART provider, said she always looks forward to supporting Mashpee because she is <br /> always so well taken care of. Bob asked her to put Mashpee on her calendar for the October 15, <br /> 2007 meeting. She said she will always be available for Mashpee Town Meetings barring any <br /> unforeseen circumstances. <br /> Terrie reported there has been no movement on the COMCAST contract. She is keeping the idea <br /> of closed captioning in her mind. <br /> Bob reminded the members of the meeting scheduled May 14, 2007 in Dennis to discuss caring <br /> for the needs of deaf and hard of hearing Cape residents in the event of an emergency. Officials <br /> involved in emergency planning should be interested but this process seems to have bogged <br /> down. Mashpee TRIAD has done a lot to support emergency planning in recent years and Mert <br /> will invite any TRIAD members to attend. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 3:30. The next meeting is scheduled for June 14,2007. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> l' <br /> �G <br /> Robert H.Wooldridge <br /> Secretary <br />