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ih <br /> The chair moved immediately to Old Business in order to accommodate our guests. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Update on Breezv Acres Expansion: Mrs. Botsford welcomed Ms. Danner and Ms. Connelly and asked Ms. <br /> Danner if she had an update since her February 29 written report. Ms. Danner reported that to address <br /> the concerns outlined In MHP's memo, HAC has already done their due process by approaching <br /> management companies to see if they were interested in managing the neer 10 units of housing (Breezy <br /> Acres Expansion). They declined, so Mashpee Housing Authority will be selected as the management <br /> agent for the project. She also explained that the name for the legal new units will need to be something <br /> totally different, so that it is clearly separated from the existing public housing units. The mune chosen <br /> was Creat Cove Community. Construction is noir expected to start in late May or early Jure. Ms. <br /> Connelly then reviewed her memo, which had only recently been distributed to the board. She described <br /> in detail the charges that were needed in the comprehensive permit in order to meet MHP's requirements <br /> for financing. After a discussion a motion was made by Mr. Harsch and seconded by Mr. shad ett <br /> to remove the housing authority from the application for the new comprehensive Permit. <br /> The motion was adopted, A notion was then made by Mr. hacl ett and seconded by Mr. <br /> .Harsch correct the issues-with the comprehensive V r it as tlir�ed in-ILIA6,Mdunno fr6m .. <br /> MHP dated March 7,, 2012. The motion was adopted. <br /> The board thanked Ms. Danner and Ms. Connelly for attending the meeting and working with the housing <br /> authority to resolve the issues. Ms. Danner and Ms. Connelly left the meeting.' <br /> The chair then went back to the first item on the agenda. <br /> Thea was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S Y' REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on January 12, 2012 were mailed to members before the meeting. <br /> A notion was made 1y Mr. Shackett and seconded by Mr. Harsch to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual ReDort: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. The report is based on the budget <br /> revision numbers that we will be submitting tonight. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br /> tonight are for the months of January and February 2012 and total- s follows: For January: $45,0698.59 <br /> for 4001, $6,530.00 for Section B, $18,088.00 for MRVP, and $30,020.23 for Asher's Path Apartments. <br /> For February: $24,,220.48 for 4001, $6,527.00 for Section 8, $17,746.00 for MRVP, and $30,969.03 for <br /> Asher's Path Apartments. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford reported that we have all rents paid in full at Asher's Path, Breezy <br /> Ages and Horneyer Village. We also currently have 100% occupied at Homeyer village and Asher"s Path. <br /> We successfully evicted the resident at Breezy Ages on February 23. The maintenance work on the unit <br /> is done except for a window replacement. The part is on order. It should be ready for re-rental by the <br /> end of the month; Mrs. Botsford is in the process of running references of the potential resident. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Mr. Harsch to accept the treasurer's <br /> report as presented, The motion was adopted. <br /> Page 2 of <br />