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i <br /> M,WLtttes of the beet,L L <br /> A S Ft L�LS!l CI ALT" T .! COPY <br /> mon o a �VK,LSS M - <br /> r"A , 2007 <br /> - - `. . • . +. #+_, - r '.fir+ � t .rt <br /> r <br /> H1. l! ANG-WA 5,A UD10 TA PED FOR.THE P..l ` OF#7 N5CRIP 7TON Oft,KOrt •?:;' <br /> #'orf�.�- +# a .r ,.a � •r * - * Fi 1 y#' + i � f i+ + rt+i 'C .1 � .. + .* a� -�., + l' -, i. .+.n�`ri <br /> The meeting was.called to order by.the vicez-cha Grp rson at 5:40 PM until the chairperson arrayed,at <br /> approximately 5;45 PSI. A quorum was-declared with the following members present: Richard Halpern,. <br /> F=rancis Laporte, B. Stuart Peoples, David Harsch, and Dan Homeyer. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, <br /> Executive Director/Board Secretary, Patrick Brady, attorney for Sea Oaks condominium Trust, and various <br /> residents of Sea oaks Condominiums. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on January 11, 2007 were presented. A notion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr. Hor a er to accept the minutes as printed. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TI EASU ER"S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Act al-an ar i e: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the bank account <br /> report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the <br /> seventh month-of the.fiscal year. She reviewed,the actuai and,provided-an.explanadon for <br /> variances. sirs. Botsford pointed out that the figures on this report are from last years approved budget <br /> figures. once.thisyear's budget is approved, expenses should be-more In-line with the budget. Mrs. <br /> Botsford stated that she received notification today that our rep at DHCD has forwarded our budget to <br /> Housing Finance for final approval. <br /> Accounts Payables: Payables totaling 9, 1. 0 were presented to the Board for review, approval and <br /> signatures. Mrs. Botsford stated that the Maples bill is a lithe higher than usual because she had to <br /> purchase an additional file cabinet for storage. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his <br /> signature. <br /> Rent_Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford stated that all rents are paid in full and we are at 100% occupancy at <br /> both developments. Mr. Laporte inquired about the last unit turn-over, Mrs. Botsford reported that most <br /> of flooring was in acceptable condition, but the living room flooring had to be replaced. Dere was <br /> minimal painting and repairs to do. A motion was made by Mr. Home er and seconded by Mr. <br /> Laporte to accept the treasurees report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> E ECU71 E DI ECTOWSREPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had railed her report to the board for the month of January and it is <br /> attached to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided an additional short Britten report, which was discussed. The report was as <br /> follows: <br /> 0 A30-Day Notice to quit was issued to two residents at Horeyer pillage. One is due to a tenant <br /> that continues to smoke while being on oxygen. This is a health and safety ha and to all <br /> residents. The other tenant did not comply with annual recertification. This tenant just turned in <br /> her paperwork today so that case will probably not have to go to court. sirs. Botsford will keep <br /> the board updated. <br /> 0 Mrs. Botsford has updated the housing authority brochure to include information on the new <br /> Asher's Path senior housing —a copy is in each member's packet. <br /> Fuge 1 of 1 <br />