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J <br /> I <br /> I Board of Assessors Executive Session Page <br /> I <br /> HEARING <br /> Appeal for Real Estate Tax Exemption Cinder Clause 1 <br /> Mat 1 , Parcel 33 <br /> Randall Spring, owner <br /> (continued) <br /> Leslie Greig made motion The Board grant Randall Spring an <br /> exemption under Clause 18 on real estate taxes due for the <br /> .current fiscal. year; Robert DeLory made second the motion ; motion <br /> passed; majority decision. The Board granted the exemption under <br /> Clause 1 . <br /> David. Bailer advised Mr, Silting to contact hire if he has any <br /> questions on notices he will be receiving. fie informed that <br /> there may be some confusion, as Mr . Spring will receive a notice <br /> of a } eterans, Exemption on Real Estate Faxes for the current <br /> fiscal year in the amount of $175 . The Clause 18 Exemption will <br /> wipe out any balance due that the notice will state. Mr. Bailey <br /> made comment that it is nice to be able to help - someone out for <br /> a charge instead of causing problems "that is what we do <br /> i <br /> most of the time cause problems ! " <br /> Leslie Greig initiated lengthy discussion relative to the <br /> U.S.Government ' s certain approval of benefits and aid for <br /> military participants in Desert Storm. Mr. Spring reiterated a <br /> surprising story of outdated Bromide Pills that were given to the <br /> Desert Storm Troops as well as shots that are traditionally given <br /> to "only cattle" . <br /> Mr . Spring thanked Board Members and David Bailer for their � <br /> time and consideration. The Hearing ended -at :50 p.m. <br /> Leslie Greig made notion The Board end the Executive Session <br /> at : 50 p.m. and return to the regular Board Meeting; vice <br /> Chairman DeLory made second the motion; motion passed; majority <br /> decision. The Executive Session was adjourned at 6 :50 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Eleanor A. Bachand <br /> Board Secretary <br />