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PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 5-.,16-84 Cort Id. Page 2 <br /> cordi g out of the parking lot, but now they have it extended to the <br /> pond and he sees no problem with it, He suggested however that they <br /> dress it up and pint some sod around it till the grass grows . <br /> Mr. Marsters saw no problem with it but asked for a letter from Mr. <br /> Rowley on it and a reprised drawing from Bill Nye an' d they both agreed <br /> He also asked in the future ure that they fill out the covenant re-lease <br /> form ahead of t time so it's ready, <br /> The Board signed the release of covenant form for Phase III with the <br /> exception of Richard Dubin who acted as the notary. <br /> Bruce. Besse representing B las-Ma bel came before the Board. He said <br /> he just wanted to update the Board as to the progress of the <br /> project, <br /> He said they met with their well people and they agreed s-olving the <br /> water supply problem was feasible and they will go ahead with a revised <br /> purr for that. <br /> Mr. Marsters asked if they had gotten. the approval of the Board of <br /> Health regarding the tertiary treatment plant, <br /> Mr. Besse said that since they were reducing the units from 2 to 6 <br /> that they wouldn't need one , <br /> Mr. Marsters said they would need aC letter from the Board of Health <br /> c onf to rm ing this , <br /> Mr. Besse said at the next Planning Board meeting he will have the <br /> redesign plans to solve the problems and the Board will be able t <br /> visually see what they're doing, and he should also have letter from <br /> other boards , He said the amenities will come later. <br /> Mr. Marsters said the Board can consider the prepplication approval <br /> at thenext meeting but Mr. Rowley questioned whereas the plans will <br /> be revised, they will be bringing plans the Board has never seem before , <br /> Mr. Besse said he felt it was still in the context of the day-law..pi��I <br /> Mr. Marsters said he felt revised site plan was in order and Mr. <br /> Rowley agr�eec and said he didn't think h had to go the whole route <br /> gajust in as long as they can see a plan of changes reflected. <br /> The Board agreed that a condition for p reapplication approval would <br /> be a revised site plan of what the layout will look life . <br /> Mr. Besse agreed and said they Conservation Committee was to have <br /> sent a letter t the Boar but the Board had not re ce ived one . Mr,, <br /> Marsters asked Mr. Collins if he would check on that, Mr. Besse said <br /> Conservation was concerned with the beach area and dock and letter <br />