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r <br /> r <br /> ofP. o. BOAC 1108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02549 <br /> PIANNI G BOARD MINUTES : 9/5/84 Cont . Page 2 <br /> Petitioner: P&H Realtor <br /> Submitted b : Carl Grassetti <br /> Type of Plan: Aroval Not Required <br /> Location: Whiting's Rd. Rte . 28 <br /> Mr. Grassetti said this was the old Gessner tract, They had <br /> filed it to get rid of the little lots previously and had had a, <br /> public healing on it , and left 3 lots . So this plan was showing <br /> it clean and eliminating all roads , He said he added the abuttors <br /> to the plan as the Board had requested. <br /> The Board questioned the property line at the center line of <br /> Whiting 's Rd. and said it was confusing because it was creating <br /> another lot , <br /> Mr, Grassetti and the Board agreed that he should have i <br />