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S <br /> F ■ <br /> . Talun <br /> P. o. BOX 11 OB <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING I1 AHD MINUTES : 8/1/84 ont'd. Page 3 <br /> writing or they would have to deny the plan. Mr. Ferreira wrote a <br /> mote for the Board asking for the extension. <br /> Atty. Dunning later came into the meeting regarding this plan. He <br /> suggested the Board hold the 27 lots Mahpee Investors is proposing <br /> as hostage for thea completing the road at that time when they plan <br /> on raking the bigger subdivision ra.hter than now with just 11 lots . <br /> The Board didn't go along with the idea as they Felt they would be <br /> severely criticized and have a Hooppole Rd. on their hands , They <br /> asked thea to submit road profiles and a covenant <br /> Mr. Shaugnesser of the Library Biing Committee cane before the <br /> Board to present plans for the proposed library for their inspection, ' <br /> He said the building would be off of Rte . 151 near the fire/police <br /> complex. It would be a colonial style building of 5, 000+ sq . ft . <br /> He also said they had gone before the Design Review Committee and <br /> they requested more information such as colon and landscaping, <br /> Mr. Bowleg said he had worked with the architects and straightened <br /> out the drainage , <br /> Mr. Sahugnessey left a copy of the plan and a, book on specifications . <br /> Mr. Demos Young cane before the Board regarding a zoning question. <br /> He owns land on Rte . 130 in a commercial one and wishes to operate <br /> coffee business . He said there is no toxics involved but it 's not <br /> allowed in the commercial due to the packaging. He said the Selectmen <br /> suggested he come before the Board for a zoningchange . <br /> The Board felt It a zoning change was a bad ideaas it would create spot <br /> zoning. They told hire he should gf o a zoning use change to add <br /> this type of business to commercial zones . They told him the procedure <br /> was to draw a petition, get the required amount of signatures , give <br /> it to the Selectmen who would place it on the next town meeti <br />