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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of 1 a hpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : April 25, 1984 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Earle Marsters Harold Collins, Richardson Jonas <br /> Richard Dubin <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT-: Michele .Stone <br /> TIME: 8:10 p.m. <br /> Mr. larsters opened the meeting with the first of three public hearings <br /> scheduled for this meeting, <br /> Mr. Mars e s read the public hearing notice concerning a proposed <br /> amendment to the zoning by-law to add Section 11B, "Water Resources <br /> District" . He stated that at the Previous hearing the roponements <br /> weren't ready so the hearing was continued to tonight, He asked lir. <br /> Charles Buckingham to explain the article . <br /> Mr. Buckingham m said the Water Advisory Committee was proposing this <br /> by-law -so that the area which comprises the recharge zones to .given 0 <br />