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PLANNING BOAR] <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : -w25-8 Cont I d. Page 3 <br /> Mr. Buckingham said they don't expect to go in right now and it maybe <br /> not for another 15 years and maybe then the manganese and iron will be <br /> controlled. But they don*t want to lose the opportunity by- not passing <br /> this by-law now. <br /> Mr. Maar•sters asked Mr. Buckingham if he thought this would become <br /> production well and will it be the first one , <br /> Nor. Buckingham replied he doubted it would be the first one , but h <br /> didn't want to lose something in the future for lack ofaction now, <br /> He stated however the long range prospects are not too goad that they <br /> will use 'It. <br /> Elizabeth Petti asked what implications on building and development <br /> would be by creating this specific district, <br /> . Buckingham replied that the water district was an overlay. If some <br /> one wanted to put something in that's allowed in the recharge area., they <br /> would have t carne before the Appeals Board and Water Advisory Committee <br /> and show that nothing they could do by accident or on purpose that would <br /> degrade the water through the discharge of waste water. Anything going <br /> in that area would have to show they are not increasing the contaminants <br /> of that designated area' . <br /> Mr. Mars tors said the nitrate loading limits.- nine pounds per 1,000 ft e t <br /> are very strict and and would limit it much more than other limitations <br /> mostly to one dwelling per acre . <br /> . Buckingham said the limits would create a necessary attitude on the <br /> developer that he has to take into consideration. <br /> Selma Rollins asked about the 'gas station abutting the discharge area, <br /> Mr. Buckingham said the Town has enforced underground storage by-laws <br /> and tertiary treatment plants within multi�faamr ly developments. He <br /> said it would have to be proven by the developer that he would not <br /> contaminate the discharge area, <br /> John Umina asked whether the Town Forest had been tested for water. <br /> Mr. Buckingham said they found out you can't have a water field within <br /> a town forest or you would have to change the name . He sited a case <br /> pending in courts between the YWCA and the Town of Sandwich as to the <br /> reasons why the Committee only wants to use town owned land at this <br /> time and not make a taking. <br /> Ray Sweeney asked wouldn't this be considered a taking of land now. <br /> Mr. Buckingham responded that it wasn't a taking but they're just saying <br /> one has to use the land right, <br />