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i! <br /> • Mrs. Botsford received notice from our rep at DHCD that he has finished his review of our budget <br /> and is passing it on to Housing Finance for final review and hopefully approval. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford stated that she just got a listing today from Tom Fudala regarding the properties in <br /> town that are deemed suitable for affordable housing. She hasn't had a chance to review it yet, <br /> but enclosed a copy of the list in all members' packets. We can discuss it at next month's <br /> meeting. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path update: Mrs. Botsford stated that she doesn't have too much to report. She has been in <br /> frequent contact with Betsy Collins at E.A. Fish. There has been a small glitch with the funding they <br /> applied for through the Cape Cod Commission. It seems that the property is located in the Otis Air Force <br /> Base Accident Potential Zone#2, so there is some question about whether or not the Cape Cod <br /> Commission board will fund this application. This money is a very small portion of the budget, and Betsy <br /> will take care of that. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would keep the board posted on everything. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Client Code of Conduct Policy: Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed a draft of this policy last week to <br /> all board members for their review. There was a discussion about the policy wording and the <br /> enforcement of it. Mrs. Botsford explained that, for housing authority tenants, the lease does state that <br /> they cannot harass employees of the housing authority but"harassment"is not defined. This policy <br /> clearly defines what inappropriate behavior is and lays out an action plan. This policy is not just for <br /> tenants but for all clients that do business with the housing authority— i.e. recipients of housing <br /> assistance (MRVP and Section 8), applicants, landlords, and also tenants of the housing authority. Mrs. <br /> Botsford drafted the policy after several different ones she found from other housing agencies. Attorney <br /> Grace did review it and thought it was fine. Mr. Homeyer moved that this item be tabled for next <br /> meeting. Mr. Peoples stated that he thought it was fine and he just assume move it. Mr. Peoples stated <br /> that the policy is setting some ground rules so that should an issue arise, Mrs. Botsford has something to <br /> go on. Mr. Homeyer stated that he hasn't had a chance to review it. There was no second to Mr. <br /> Homeyer's motion. A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Laporte to adopt <br /> the Client Code of Conduct Policy as drafted. Mr. Homeyer was apposed. The motion carried <br /> Mr. Laporte asked if Mrs. Botsford would be notifying clients of the new policy. Mrs. Botsford stated that <br /> all clients would be notified of the policy. A copy of the policy would be provided to all applicants when <br /> they get a receipt for their application. Mrs. Botsford stated that it's very rare that she has a problem, <br /> but when she does she documents It in writing. This policy will give her and her staff more of a guideline <br /> on how to handle issues if they arise. <br /> Breezy Acrgs Expansion: CPA funding: Mrs. Botsford stated we received notice from the CPA committee <br /> that it was voted to send our application (for Phase I) to Town Meeting in May for funding $225,000. <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that a copy of the letter was in each member's packet. Mrs. Botsford stated that <br /> she contacted Joyce Mason about filing an application jointed for funds offered under Priority <br /> Development fund so that we could hire someone to work on the feasibility and cost of tying in with the <br /> High Schools'septic treatment facility (this application cannot come from the housing authority alone— <br /> the town must file it). Mrs. Mason contacted Mrs. Botsford to let her know that the septic treatment <br /> issue does not look like it`ll be solved any time soon. This means we need to proceed with the <br /> development including a plan for a traditional Title V system. <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she contacted the development department at DHCD, informed them about the <br /> CPA committee's notice that they will fund part of the Breezy Acres expansion project. They want to give <br /> it another month or so for things to"settle down"after the new administration finishes its reorganization <br /> of DHCD. It is unlikely the Mass Housing Partnership is interested in helping with the financing since they <br /> don't like to do anything under five units. Mrs. Botsford did contact them and asked them to let me know <br /> if they can help us out, but we have not gotten a response. DHCD may be able to getting some funding <br /> money, but would really like to have Phase II funded, because it's easier to build two buildings at the <br /> same time than to do one at a time. Mrs. Botsford will keep you posted. Copies of all related <br /> correspondence were provided to all members. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />
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