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FRIENDS OF THE COUNCIL INAGING --A plaque acknowledging the <br /> $100,,000 donation made by the Friends back in 1997 and used for <br /> supporting the cost of our new fin-nis gs was hung in the Lobby. <br /> NEXTEL — Cell telephones were added during the month to improve <br /> communication between the center and van drivers. <br /> HOLIDAY PARTY— Scheduled for Saturday, December 3 at ].:30. <br /> WEB SITE -- Is being updated weekly. Can be accessed by going to Town <br /> ofMashpee on internet and then to departments to find Council on Aging. <br /> DAILY SCHEDULE —Jim is working witla. Bud Abbott to develop a { <br /> power-point presentation to be presented on a 21 inch computer screen for <br /> clients accessing the building and seeking direction within the building to <br /> our activities. The hope is that PUBLISHER schedules in our newsletter and <br /> room assignment information can be integrated into a desktop computer <br /> located adjacent to the coffee machine. <br /> DPW CUSTODIAL SERVICES— The program is improving our ability to <br /> set-up/tear down for various functions. Some additional training regarding <br /> our needs will be forthcoming and help smooth things out. The buffing of <br /> the Great Room floor will be done on a monthly basis. <br /> BUDGET —Jim is asking to increase Lynne's workweek by one additional <br /> day. Also, he is seeking a 37-1/2 hour-a-week clerk and a 19 hour-a-week <br /> custodian. <br /> HOLIDAY GIFT DELIVERY SCHEDULE was discussed. <br /> OUTREACH COORDINATOR'S REPORT <br /> ROME VISITS/APPOINTMENTS -- Lynne reported on the number of <br /> home visits and appointments she made over the past month. <br /> MEETINGS/CQNTACTS — Lynne met with the local Lions Club on <br /> Outreach and she was a panelist at Elder Domestic Violence training. <br />