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Mashpee Cultural Council meeting: 12/04/20019:30 a.m. <br /> Present: Jin Dong, Joan Brown, Arm Whtlaw, Helene DeFoe, Jing Marr and Sunny <br /> Merritt <br /> Jim Long brought up the Cultural Council budget suasion for FY 2003 up for <br /> discussion. The Selectmen have asked departments and boards to submit level funded <br /> budgets this year. The council has submitted a budget rquest of$100 for the last few <br /> years. This i primarily used for a ngs. A Marr made a notion to submit a budget <br /> request of$100 for FY 2003. Motion was seconded by Sunny Merritt approved and.b <br /> the committee. <br /> Discussion proceeded to grant applications received for cultural council grants. Jim Long <br /> armed Jirn Marr to keep a list of the disposition ofeach grant request. <br /> The committee discussed the grant funds available to award. An-email had been received <br /> from the Massachusetts Cultural Council saying that their budget has been set. Jing Long <br /> expects to receive word shortly on how much will be coning to Mashpee, If Mashpee <br /> were level funded, the communi <br />