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F <br /> h"Aziri'lEET O <br /> Mashpee Curltwal Council meeting November 5,2003 held at the Mashpee Archives T i C L <br /> Meeting began at 10:10 AM 03 HOV 6 Ph <br /> 4* 04 <br /> Present: Ann whitlow,Maureen Rounds,Lola McCray,Joan Brown, Sunny Merritt,Jim Long and 14clenc <br /> DeFoe. <br /> 1. Minutes of the September 17,2003 meeting were approved. Motion made by Main and <br /> seconded by Jim. <br /> II. Treasurer's Report:Balance of$1,054.35. Mashpee notified it is receiving;$2,000 for F <br /> 2004. This amount included$500 which had been earned over which Joan had been trying t <br /> track down for a number of months with the accounting deparunent. She believes the <br /> $3,054.95 is the correct amount available for grants in this cycle. Project Concern has just <br /> submitted the paperwork for payment based on their performance at Octoberfest. Joan will <br /> submit it for payment. <br /> Ill. Old Business:The committee mewed which grants from the previous round had not yct <br /> been submitted for payment. The Academy for Performing Arts, Maggie Carchrie and <br /> . ietieron Theatre has not yet submitted invoices. They have until December 26,2003 to <br /> complete their performances and request payment. <br /> .loan and Maureen have written to their legislators asking for support of Cultural Council <br /> activities. Maureen bas received a reply from Representative Matt Patrick,affirming his <br /> support. <br /> IV. New usincss:Ann discussed changes to the online report of grant awards for Mashpee due at <br /> the Massachusetts Cultural Council offices in lccember. She reported that some of the data <br /> entry was confusing because of changes to the grant application form. Soule applicants used <br /> the old style form and not all information needed for the online form was available to her. <br /> The committee did a first review of the 18 applications received. It was determined the Alice <br /> Vara Buren's application was disq Affixed for not being typed. The press release clearly stated <br /> all applications must be fid. The committee will encourage her to apply again next year as <br /> her project seemed worthwhile. They were not able to consider its merits because of the <br /> disqualification. <br /> Jinn will not vote on Jim loot or Patty Carpenter because they indicated contact with him <br /> prior to applying for a grant. Jim 5s only contact with hoot was a call from Root asking if he <br /> might perform at the Senior Center. The committee felt it would be better to avoid the <br /> appearance of a conflict of interest even though it was unsure if one existed between Jinn and <br /> Mr.Boat. Helene will not vote on the Mashpee Library application because of her <br /> employment there. Although not involved m the grant or its planning,the committee felt she <br /> should follow the sarne standards as Jim. The meeting will continue on November 6th at2 PM <br /> if the review is not completed on the 5th. <br /> 'Free applicants were recommended for full funding:Mchael Myers for$300,John <br /> Porcino for$340 and Melissa Woringcr for$100. Myers ers and Porcino bath said they could <br /> perform at various types of sites. The committee will ask Myers to contact the library for a <br /> performance date and Porchn to contact Quashnet School about performing there. 'fold <br /> Mack,Oversoul Theatre Collection and Edward Wirt's application would denied for fiscal <br /> reasons. Mashpee received a small amount of money this year to be split between many <br /> applicants. The balance of the applicants will be further reviewed on November r . Some <br /> will receive a partial amount of the funding requested. The committee will review the <br /> applications at home and come to the meeting with recommendations. <br />